
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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Θησαυρός (Thesauros)

Discussion Meineke 18391.371; 1840 III. 169; 1847. 578; Bothe 1855. 421; Kock
188411.142; Edmonds 195911.52-53; Arnott 1974; Kassel-Austin 199111.246 (cf.
1986 V.45); Sanchis Llopis et al. 2007. 248
Title A Θησαυρός was written by Archedicus, Menander, Philemo and Diphi-
lus; a Thesaurus by Luscius Lanuvinus (possibly modeled on Anaxandrides’
play; cf. Arnott 1974); and an Aulularia by Plautus. The only earlier comedy
with this title is that of Crates II (doubted by Meineke 1.58, 64).
Content of the comedy If the title is indicative of subject-matter, this seems
to have been a popular theme in later comedy. Fragment 18 expresses senti-
ments suitable for a miser, although play need not bear much similarity to that
of Plautus. The plot could also easily revolve around a person (not necessarily
a miser as in Aulularia) who discovers a treasure and unexpectedly becomes
rich; cf. Ar. Av. 599-602. Fragment 19, referring to a wedding, is appropriate
for either.
Date The original date of production is unknown, but the play was revived
in 311 BC (test. 7, where it is designated as παλαιά; see introduction). It may
be significant that this play rather than e. g. one of the mythological parodies
was chosen for revival, suggesting that it was congenial to the tastes of the
next generation; note that the four other authors of plays by this name all date
to the late fourth/early third century.

fr. 18 K.-A. (17 K.)
ό τό σκόλιον εύρών εκείνος, δστις ήν
τό μεν ύγιαίνειν πρώτον ώς άριστον δν
ώνόμασεν όρθώς· δεύτερον δ’ είναι καλόν,
τρίτον δε πλουτεϊν, τοϋθ’, όρας, έμαίνετο.
5 μετά τήν ύγίειαν γάρ τό πλουτεϊν διαφέρει·
καλός δε πεινών έστίν αισχρόν θηρίον
habent ACE
2 δν Bergk: ήν ACE 3 δεύτερον ... καλόν om. CE 4 όραϊς ACE: όρίσας
Richards 6 πεινών Canter: πίνων ACE
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