
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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1 cm

Σατυρίας (Satyrias)

Discussion Meineke 18391.373; 1840 III. 191; 1847. 587; Bothe 1855. 429; Kock
1884 11.155; Edmonds 1959 11.70—1; Kassel-Austin 1991 11.265; Sanchis Llopis
et al. 2007. 265
Title The name Satyrias is not otherwise attested, although Meineke 1839
1.373 is surely correct in his opinion that ‘Satyrias nomen proprium fuisse
videtur a Σάτυρος formatum, ut Αριστίας ab άριστος, Διδυμίας a δίδυμος,
Σκληρίας a σκληρός et similia’; cf. Chantraine 1933. 92-6; Breitenbach 1908.
78-9. Breitenbach compares Plautus’ Saturio, although this is rather the trans-
literated Latin form of Σατυρίων, a fairly common name of the late Hellenistic
period (LGPNII list 19 occurrences in Attica, of which the four third-century
instances are the earliest), and thus is almost certainly unrelated, aside from
sharing a common stem.
Content of the comedy Only a single, uninformative word survives from
the play, but the title is more likely meant as a descriptive name than as a
reference to an otherwise unknown historical figure.
Date Unknown.

fr. 44 K.-A. (43 K.)
habet A
ώ τ ά p i a δ’ ώνόμασε καί Άναξανδρίδης έν Σατυρία

Ath. 3.95c
Anaxandrides in Satyrias also mentioned pigs’ ears
Metre Uncertain.
Discussion Meineke 1840 III.191; 1847. 587; Bothe 1855. 429; Kock 188411.155;
Edmonds 1959 11.70—1; Kassel-Austin 1991 11.265; Sanchis Llopis et al. 2007.
Citation context The serving of tripe and the like at Athenaeus 3.94c evokes
an extended discussion of such food (lasting until 3.101e, but with a long di-
gression at 3.96f-100b). After more general remarks (3.94c-5a), the discussion
turns to parts of pigs specifically (3.95a-6e). This fragment occurs near the
beginning of that section, in the midst of quotations largely concerned with
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