
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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Σαμία (fr. 43)


Discussion Morelius 1553. Ill; Canter 1564. 183; Grotius 1626. 642-3;
Meineke 1840 III.191; 1847. 587; Bothe 1855. 429; Meineke 1857 V.clxxix; Kock
1884 11.155; Blaydes 1896. 124; Herwerden 1903. 99; Edmonds 1959 11.70—1;
Kassel-Austin 1991 11.264; Sanchis Llopis et al. 2007. 265
Citation context Athenaeus quotes this fragment in the midst of a long
discussion of flattery (6.248c-62a). He appears to connect it anachronistically
with the attempts by the Athenians on Lemnos to show fawning gratitude to
Seleucus I and Antiochus I. Even if Athenaeus does not mean to imply that the
fragment refers to the behaviour of third-century Greeks, there is no compel-
ling reason to think that he had concrete knowledge of a political context for
the fragment. That said, see introduction to the play for the possibility that it
may have been political; for Athenian involvement on Lemnos in the fourth
century, see Cargill 1995. 12-15, 94-99; Stroud 1998.
Text Bothe, rightly noting that δε is occasionally corrupted to γάρ (cf.
Pearson 1917 on S. fr. 873.1; Arnott 1996 on Alex. fr. 91.1), emended the text
on metrical grounds (cf. his similar emendation in fr. 46.3); but an anapaest
in place of an iamb is so common as to need little defense (cf. White 1912
Interpretation κολακεία and αρέσκεια are essentially similar behaviours,
distinguished by the underlying motive; cf. Arist. EN 1108a27-9 ό μεν ώς δει
ήδύς ών φίλος και ή μεσάτης φιλία, ό δ’ ύπερβάλλων, εί μεν ούδενός ένεκα,
άρεσκος, εί δ’ ώφελείας τής αύτοϋ, κόλαξ; 1127a7-10 ό μεν τού ήδύς είναι
στοχαζόμενος μή δι’ άλλο τι άρεσκος, ό δ’ όπως ώφέλειά τις αύτω γίγνηται
είς χρήματα και όσα διά χρημάτων, κόλαξ; Diggle 2004.181-2, 222-3; Ussher
1960 on Thphr. Char. 2.1. For the κόλαξ, see on fr. 35.7. The thought expressed
here is common in political writing; cf. Th. 3.82.3 και τήν είωθυϊαν άξίωσιν των
ονομάτων ές τά έργα άντήλλαξαν τή δικαιώσει with Hornblower 1991-2008
ad loc.·, PL R. 560d-e; Isoc. 7.20; Sall. Cat. 52.11.
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