
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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Ίώ (Ιδ)
Discussion Kock 1884 11.143; Edmonds 1959 Π.54-5; Webster 1970. 18 η. 1;
Kassel-Austin 1884 11.248; Sanchis Llopis et al. 2007. 249
Title Plays with this title were written by Sannyrio, Plato Comicus and the
tragedian Chaeremon.
Content of the comedy Since the play is known only from the list of
Anaxandrides’ victories, little can be said about the plot. Webster 1970. 18
suggested that it follows the expected formula of the divine being portrayed
as a common mortal; there is also comic potential in the portrayal of Io as a
βούκερως παρθένος (see Griffith 1983 on A. PV 588). Muller 1986. 154 views
the Ids of Sannyrio and Plato as paratragedy, and Anaxandrides’ play may
have been as well; for Io in tragedy, note the inclusion of Io vaga at Hor. AP
124 in a catalogue of typical tragic subjects.
Date Test. 5.6) lists Id, performed in the archonship of Hippodamas (374 BC),
among the plays of Anaxandrides that took fourth place at the City Dionysia.
Io thus fell close to the beginning of his career.
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