
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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Θησεύς (fr. 21)


έτρωγεν In comedy, at least, τρώγω and its compounds seem to be used
exclusively of nibbling on foods such as fruits, nuts, and the like, with the
exception of metaphorical uses (e. g. Ar. Nu. 924) or other atypical situations
(e. g. Ar. V. 164); cf. K.-A. on Eup. fr. 335; Taillardat 1965 §132; Chadwick 1996.
<καί) Πλάτων Aside from the association of Plato and the Academy, and
thus its olives, the reason for mentioning the philosopher remains obscure (see
D.L. 6.25 for another anecdote concerning Plato and olives, though not moriai).
Brock 1990. 41 takes this fragment and D.L. 6.25 to indicate that Plato had a
fondness for olives notorious enough to be mocked, but the evidence is slight.
The inclusion of this line in a catalogue of comic references (D.L. 3.26-8) in
which Plato was mocked (έσκώφθη) suggests that the remark may be more
pointed than it appears. Plato and the Academy are mentioned frequently in
fourth-century comedy, e.g. Antiph. fr. 35; Ephipp. fr. 14; Alex. fr. 151 with
Arnott 1996 ad loc.·, Aristopho, Plato (cf. Breitenbach 1908. 32-3); cf. Riginos
1976. 68, 114; Helm 1906. 376-9; Brock 1990.

fr. 21 K.-A. (20 K.)
παίζουσιν <— —προς έλάφρ’ έξαλλάγματα
2 παίζουσι Bekker neglegenter: παίζουσι<φ ευθύς) Meineke: -ουσ’ <ίοΰσαι) Edmonds:
παίζ<ειν φιλ)οΰσι van Herwerden έλάφρ’ Bekker: έλάφρα cod.
play < ) at trivial amusements
Antiatt. p. 96.4
έξαλλάγματα. Άναξανδρίδης Θησεϊ·-
Amusements. Anaxandrides in Theseus:-

Metre lambic trimeter.
-<- x>|—-
or trochaic tetrameter catale ctic
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