
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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Κέρκιος (?) (fr. 23)

Headlam-Knox 1922 on Herod. 5.45; Radt 1999 on S. fr. 1078; Henderson
1991 §92. The alternative is to follow Kaibel in understanding the title as
Κέρκιον, probably the name of a prostitute, although the name is difficult to
parallel and a slang term for male genitalia seems inappropriate for a prosti-
tute. Breitenbach 1908. 168 inappositely compared the prostitute Κερκούριον
found at AP 5.44 (= Rufin. 17), but, as Page 1978 ad loc. rightly notes, the
name Κερκούριον, like that of her companion Λέμβιον, is derived from the
name of a ship. Nevertheless, plays named for prostitutes are known; e. g.
Menander and Hipparchus both wrote a Θαίς, and Cephisodorus and Epicrates
an Άντιλαΐς. Unlike these examples, however, Κέρκιον is not a famous pros-
titute but otherwise unknown. Since Κέρκιος and Κέρκιον, whether either is
a proper name or not, both present major difficulties, therefore, emendation
to Κερκύων deserves serious consideration. For Cercyon in comedy, cf. above
on the introduction to Theseus.
Date Unknown.

fr. 23 K.-A. (22 K.)
έρυθρότερον καρϊδος οπτής σ’ άποφανώ
habent ACE, Eust.
έρυθρότερον CE, Eust.: -ώτερον A οπτής C, Eust.: -ών (superscr. ής) E: -ών A
I will make you redder than a broiled shrimp
Ath. 3.106a
(post fr. 38) έν δέ Κερκίω·-
Κερκυώνι Sansone (Κερκύονι iam Reinesius)
And in Kerkios:-
Eust. II. 1220.54
εϊρηται γοΰν εκτεταμένος τό [Arar. fr. 8.3-4] καί [Ophel. fr. 1] καί-
[Sc. the iota] is long: [Arar. fr. 8.3-4] and [Ophel. fr. 1] and-

Metre lambic trimeter.
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