
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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Κιθαρίστρια (fr. 24) 123
ears, cf. Luc. Lex. 1 (with wax); S. fr. 858.2 (through old age) with Pearson
1917 ad loc.
Neither βύσμα nor βύστρα is common. In comedy, the former appears only
at Ar. frr. 24; 310.2; Sophil. fr. 3 (= Diph. fr. 23K), while the latter occurs only
here and in Antiph. fr. 178. Elsewhere, there are several references to both
forms in the lexicographers, and βύσμα appears three times in the medical
writers. At Ar. fr. 310 βύσμα is apparently simply a plug or stopper for an
amphora and at fr. 24 for an anus, while at Sophil. fr. 3 it is used metaphori-
cally but still seemingly as a stopper. At Antiph. fr. 178 a βύστρα is made of
leaves; cf. Hp. Mui. 2.114 (VIII.246 Littre) φλόμου (‘sage’) βύσματα; Hsch. β
1348 (βύστραι are ‘insertions of herbs. But some (say they are) bits of herbs’).
Latte 1953 ad loc. labels the Hesychius entry a gloss on this fragment and
Antiph. fr. 178; in the case of the Antiphanes fragment this is plausible, but
for Anaxandrides much less so.
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