Πρωτεσίλαος (fr. 42)
It is found in catalogues of food (Nicopho fr. 6.3; Ar. fr. 428), but was also
recommended for the sick (e. g. Hp. Acut. 4 [11.244—6 Littre]; cf. Ar. fr. 165 with
Kassel-Austin ad loc.\
άθάρης Gruel made from wheat; cf. Phot, a 471 ή έκ πυρών έψημένων
και διακεχυμένων ώσπερ ετνος τροφή; Hsch. a 1533 όλόπυρος97 πτισάνη
πυροϋ, 1535,1581; Suda a 708. It is occasionally included in catalogues of food
(Pherecr. fr. 113.3; Nicopho fr. 6.1). άθάρη, as opposed to άθήρη, seems to be
the correct Attic form; cf. Phot, a 471 with Theodoridis 1982 ad loc.; Holzinger
1940 on Ar. Pl. 673. Hsch. a 1581 claims that the food is Egyptian; cf. Gal. Glauc.
2.12 (XI.142 Kuhn); Plin. NH 22.121.
43 Cf. Alex. fr. 167.11-12 κύαμος ... / ... ώχρος, λάθυρος; Poll. 1.247
κύαμοι, ώχροι, δόλιχοι, λάθυροι.
κυάμων The broad or fava bean, which was eaten raw, boiled, or roasted;
cf. Arnott 1996 on Alex. fr. 167.11; Olson-Sens 2000 on Archestr. fr. 60.15 (SH
λαθύρων A vetch frequently coupled with ώχρος (e. g. Thphr. HP 8.3.1-2;
Gal. Alim. 1.16 [CMG V.4.2]; below) and defined in the lexicographers as
άρακος or όσπριον (Phot, λ 25; Hsch. a 6953; λ 109); cf. Gal. Alim. 1.26 (CMG
V.4.2); Arnott 1996 on Alex. fr. 167.12.
ώχρων An unidentified type of vetch; cf. Gal. Alim. 1.25 (CMG V.4.2);
Hsch. ω 515, where the extraneous gloss και όσπριον λαθύρω έοικός presum-
ably belongs to a lost lemma ώχρος; Arnott 1996 on Alex. fr. 167.12; above
on λαθύρων.
δολίχων An unidentified type of pulse; cf. Gal. Alim. 1.28 (CMG V.4.2);
Hsch. δ 2143 δόλιχοι· οσπρίου είδος; Suda δ 1339. Possibly related to the plant
is Δόλιχος at hCer. 155. For the collocation of δόλιχοι and ώχροι, cf. Gal. (cited
above); Hp. Viet. 2.45 (CMG 1.2.4).
44 μέλιτος Honey was used as a sauce for many foods, including cheese
and meat; cf. Olson-Sens 2000 on Archestr. fr. 60.17 (SH 192).
τυρού Cheese is often included in catalogues both as a food and a season-
ing; cf. Olson-Sens 2000 on Archestr. fr. 14.5 (SH 144) and Olson-Sens 1999
on Matro fr. 1.92 (SH 534).
χορίων Normally found in the plural (contrast Alex. fr. 178.13), χόρια is
a pudding made of honey and milk cooked in an internal membrane (χόριον)
taken from a sheep or goat; cf. Hunter 1983 on Eub. fr. 74.4; Arnott 1996 on
Alex. fr. 178.13; Gow 1952 on Theoc. 9.19.
97 So Schmidt; Latte’s όλότυρος is presumably a typographical error, since the word
is otherwise unattested, it makes little sense here, and Latte makes no mention of
Schmidt’s reading.
It is found in catalogues of food (Nicopho fr. 6.3; Ar. fr. 428), but was also
recommended for the sick (e. g. Hp. Acut. 4 [11.244—6 Littre]; cf. Ar. fr. 165 with
Kassel-Austin ad loc.\
άθάρης Gruel made from wheat; cf. Phot, a 471 ή έκ πυρών έψημένων
και διακεχυμένων ώσπερ ετνος τροφή; Hsch. a 1533 όλόπυρος97 πτισάνη
πυροϋ, 1535,1581; Suda a 708. It is occasionally included in catalogues of food
(Pherecr. fr. 113.3; Nicopho fr. 6.1). άθάρη, as opposed to άθήρη, seems to be
the correct Attic form; cf. Phot, a 471 with Theodoridis 1982 ad loc.; Holzinger
1940 on Ar. Pl. 673. Hsch. a 1581 claims that the food is Egyptian; cf. Gal. Glauc.
2.12 (XI.142 Kuhn); Plin. NH 22.121.
43 Cf. Alex. fr. 167.11-12 κύαμος ... / ... ώχρος, λάθυρος; Poll. 1.247
κύαμοι, ώχροι, δόλιχοι, λάθυροι.
κυάμων The broad or fava bean, which was eaten raw, boiled, or roasted;
cf. Arnott 1996 on Alex. fr. 167.11; Olson-Sens 2000 on Archestr. fr. 60.15 (SH
λαθύρων A vetch frequently coupled with ώχρος (e. g. Thphr. HP 8.3.1-2;
Gal. Alim. 1.16 [CMG V.4.2]; below) and defined in the lexicographers as
άρακος or όσπριον (Phot, λ 25; Hsch. a 6953; λ 109); cf. Gal. Alim. 1.26 (CMG
V.4.2); Arnott 1996 on Alex. fr. 167.12.
ώχρων An unidentified type of vetch; cf. Gal. Alim. 1.25 (CMG V.4.2);
Hsch. ω 515, where the extraneous gloss και όσπριον λαθύρω έοικός presum-
ably belongs to a lost lemma ώχρος; Arnott 1996 on Alex. fr. 167.12; above
on λαθύρων.
δολίχων An unidentified type of pulse; cf. Gal. Alim. 1.28 (CMG V.4.2);
Hsch. δ 2143 δόλιχοι· οσπρίου είδος; Suda δ 1339. Possibly related to the plant
is Δόλιχος at hCer. 155. For the collocation of δόλιχοι and ώχροι, cf. Gal. (cited
above); Hp. Viet. 2.45 (CMG 1.2.4).
44 μέλιτος Honey was used as a sauce for many foods, including cheese
and meat; cf. Olson-Sens 2000 on Archestr. fr. 60.17 (SH 192).
τυρού Cheese is often included in catalogues both as a food and a season-
ing; cf. Olson-Sens 2000 on Archestr. fr. 14.5 (SH 144) and Olson-Sens 1999
on Matro fr. 1.92 (SH 534).
χορίων Normally found in the plural (contrast Alex. fr. 178.13), χόρια is
a pudding made of honey and milk cooked in an internal membrane (χόριον)
taken from a sheep or goat; cf. Hunter 1983 on Eub. fr. 74.4; Arnott 1996 on
Alex. fr. 178.13; Gow 1952 on Theoc. 9.19.
97 So Schmidt; Latte’s όλότυρος is presumably a typographical error, since the word
is otherwise unattested, it makes little sense here, and Latte makes no mention of
Schmidt’s reading.