Πρωτεσίλαος (fr. 42)
καπνίας ‘Smoky’ wine is presumably that which has been aged by ex-
posure to smoke; cf. Colum. 1.6.20 apothecae recte superponentur his locis,
unde plerumque fumus exoritur, quoniam vina celerius vetustescunt, quae
fumo quodam genere praecoquem maturitatem trahunt. For the wine itself, cf.
Pherecr. fr. 137.6; Cratin. fr. 462;110 Pl. Com. fr. 274; Hor. C. 3.8.11; App. Prov.
3.43 with Leutsch-Schneidewin 1839 ad loc.·, Ascani 2001. 454 n. 32; Pickard-
Cambridge 1927. 290-1 n. 6.111
110 This fragment records that the poet Ecphantides was called Καπνίας, seemingly
referring to the wine, although Hsch. κ 716 interprets the name as derived διά τό
μηδέν λαμπρόν γράφειν.
111 Pickard-Cambridge 1962. 192 n. 5 offers an abbreviated version of his comments.
καπνίας ‘Smoky’ wine is presumably that which has been aged by ex-
posure to smoke; cf. Colum. 1.6.20 apothecae recte superponentur his locis,
unde plerumque fumus exoritur, quoniam vina celerius vetustescunt, quae
fumo quodam genere praecoquem maturitatem trahunt. For the wine itself, cf.
Pherecr. fr. 137.6; Cratin. fr. 462;110 Pl. Com. fr. 274; Hor. C. 3.8.11; App. Prov.
3.43 with Leutsch-Schneidewin 1839 ad loc.·, Ascani 2001. 454 n. 32; Pickard-
Cambridge 1927. 290-1 n. 6.111
110 This fragment records that the poet Ecphantides was called Καπνίας, seemingly
referring to the wine, although Hsch. κ 716 interprets the name as derived διά τό
μηδέν λαμπρόν γράφειν.
111 Pickard-Cambridge 1962. 192 n. 5 offers an abbreviated version of his comments.