
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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Index rerum et personarum

slaves, city of: 52
small-fry: 164, 222
snow: 218
soldiers: 177
sophists: 98-9, 296-7
Sophocles: 310
Sosippos: 242
Sosippus (comic poet): 242
Sosippus (Olympic victor): 242
sound, volume of: 180
sparrow: 64
Sparta: 216
spendthrifts: 246-7, 248
squid: 224
squill: 262
Stalagmos: 170
stater: 50, 56-7
statues: 143
stoning: 101
strainers: 217
Sunium: 54-5
swans: 233-4
symposia: 35, 43, 60, 121, 152, 210, 220,
286, 289, 315-16
Syros: 265
tablet, writing: 90
tagenon: 161-2
temenos: 84
Tereus: 245
Theatre of Dionysus: 175
Thebes: 216
theft: 175
Theolyte: 72
Theseus: 109, 325
Thessaly: 100
Thrace: 210-11, 212
thratta: 137
thrissa: 137, 226
thrushes: 233
Thyestes: 175
thyme: 227
Timotheus of Miletus: 58-9, 61, 326-7
abstracts: 63, 66, 127, 255

descriptive terms: 58, 115, 117-18,
121, 124, 139, 177, 240, 258, 264
double: 88
ethnics: 62, 100, 130, 139, 238
mythological names: 49, 65, 80, 82,
86, 93, 109, 114, 117-18, 133, 145, 152,
155, 181, 194, 245
non-mythological names: 49, 58,
117-18, 139, 140, 181, 240, 242
objects: 102, 140
references to chorus: 35, 87, 88, 100,
124, 186
variation in number: 34, 88-9
toasts: 38-9, 47
torches: 256
tragic parody: 80, 83-5, 86, 93, 109, 114,
127-8, 147, 258
tripe: 240-1
Trypho: use by Athenaeus: 178-9
tuna: 149, 225, 232, 263
twelve: 213
Tyche: 53
ugliness: 58, 106, 271
Ursa Major: 212
vetch: 223
vinegar: 229
wagtails: 234
wealth: 53, 105
weddings and marriage: 58, 102, 107-8,
126, 206, 209-10, 211-12, 251, 265,
271, 281, 305, 325
whelks: 230
wild animals: 106
wine: 47, 236-7
condemnation of: 270, 294
praiseworthy behaviour: 282, 314
work: 75
wrasse: 225
youth:162, 164
Zeus: 170
Zomos: 172
zdmos: 172
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