van Herwerden, H. (1903): Collectanea critica, epicritica, exegetica sive Addenda ad
Theodori Kockii opus Comicorum Atticorum fragmenta, Lugduni Bat.
Hiller, E. (1888): DLZ 9, 10-11.
Hirschberger, Μ. (2004): Gynaikön Katalogos und Megalai Ehoiai. Ein Kommentar zu
den Fragmenten zweier hesiodeischer Epen, München/Leipzig.
Holzhausen, J. (2002): Pandora und Basileia. Hesiod-Rezeption in Aristophanes’
„Vögeln“, Philologus 146, 34-45.
Horn, W. (1970): Gebet und Gebetsparodie in den Komödien des Aristophanes, Nürn-
van den Hout, Μ. P. J. (1999): A Commentary on the Letters of Μ. Cornelius Fronto,
Leiden / Boston / Köln.
Hubbard, T. K. (1991): The Mask of Comedy. Aristophanes and the Intertextual Para-
basis, Ithaca/London.
Hudson-Williams, T. (1903): Theognis and His Poems, JHS 23, 1-23.
Hunter, R. L. (1983): Eubulus: The Fragments. Edited with a Commentary by R. L. H.,
Imperio, O. (1998): Callia, in: A. Μ. Belardinelli / O. Imperio/G. Mastromarco / Μ. Pelle-
grino/P. Totaro (Hgg.), Tessere. Frammenti della commedia greca. Studi e com-
menti, Bari 1998, 195-254.
IRDF = Millis-Olson 2012.
Jackson, C. N. (1909): Classical Elements in Browning’s Aristophanes’ Apology, HSPh
20, 15-73.
Jacobs, F. (1809): Additamenta animadversionum in Athenaei Deipnosophistas, Ienae.
Jacoby, F. (1904): Das Marmor Parium, Berlin.
Janko, R. (2000): Philodemus. On Poems. Book One. Edited with Introduction, Trans-
lation, and Commentary by R. J., Oxford.
Jeanmaire, H. (1951): Dionysos. Histoire du culte de Bacchus, Paris.
Jones, N. F. (1999): The Associations of Classical Athens. The Response to Democracy,
New York / Oxford.
K. = Kock 1880-1888.
K.-A. = Kassel-Austin.
Kaibel 1.1 = Kaibel 1889.
Kaibel, G. (1889): Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta. Edidit G. K. Vol. I fase. 1 (Dorien-
sium comoedia Mimi Phlyaces), Berolini (1958 ).
Kaibel, G. (1898): Die Prolegomena περί κωμωδίας, AGWG 2,4, Berlin.
Kanngießer, P. F. (1817): Die alte komische Bühne in Athen, Wroclaw.
Kassel, R. (1966): Kritische und exegetische Kleinigkeiten II, RhM 109, 1-12.
Kassel-Austin = Poetae Comici Graeci (PCG): PCGI (Comoedia Dorica Mimi Phlyaces).
Ediderunt R. Kassel et C. Austin, Berolini/Novi Eboraci 2001; PCG II (Agathenor—
Aristonymus), 1991; PCG III 2 (Aristophanes. Testimonia et Fragmenta), 1984; PCG
IV (Aristophon—Crobylus), 1983; PCG V (Damoxenus—Magnes), 1986; PCG VI
2 (Menander. Testimonia et Fragmenta apud scriptores servata), 1998; PCG VII
(Menecrates—Xenophon), 1989; PCG VIII (Adespota), 1995.
Kaster, R. A. (1988): Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late
Antiquity, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London.
van Herwerden, H. (1903): Collectanea critica, epicritica, exegetica sive Addenda ad
Theodori Kockii opus Comicorum Atticorum fragmenta, Lugduni Bat.
Hiller, E. (1888): DLZ 9, 10-11.
Hirschberger, Μ. (2004): Gynaikön Katalogos und Megalai Ehoiai. Ein Kommentar zu
den Fragmenten zweier hesiodeischer Epen, München/Leipzig.
Holzhausen, J. (2002): Pandora und Basileia. Hesiod-Rezeption in Aristophanes’
„Vögeln“, Philologus 146, 34-45.
Horn, W. (1970): Gebet und Gebetsparodie in den Komödien des Aristophanes, Nürn-
van den Hout, Μ. P. J. (1999): A Commentary on the Letters of Μ. Cornelius Fronto,
Leiden / Boston / Köln.
Hubbard, T. K. (1991): The Mask of Comedy. Aristophanes and the Intertextual Para-
basis, Ithaca/London.
Hudson-Williams, T. (1903): Theognis and His Poems, JHS 23, 1-23.
Hunter, R. L. (1983): Eubulus: The Fragments. Edited with a Commentary by R. L. H.,
Imperio, O. (1998): Callia, in: A. Μ. Belardinelli / O. Imperio/G. Mastromarco / Μ. Pelle-
grino/P. Totaro (Hgg.), Tessere. Frammenti della commedia greca. Studi e com-
menti, Bari 1998, 195-254.
IRDF = Millis-Olson 2012.
Jackson, C. N. (1909): Classical Elements in Browning’s Aristophanes’ Apology, HSPh
20, 15-73.
Jacobs, F. (1809): Additamenta animadversionum in Athenaei Deipnosophistas, Ienae.
Jacoby, F. (1904): Das Marmor Parium, Berlin.
Janko, R. (2000): Philodemus. On Poems. Book One. Edited with Introduction, Trans-
lation, and Commentary by R. J., Oxford.
Jeanmaire, H. (1951): Dionysos. Histoire du culte de Bacchus, Paris.
Jones, N. F. (1999): The Associations of Classical Athens. The Response to Democracy,
New York / Oxford.
K. = Kock 1880-1888.
K.-A. = Kassel-Austin.
Kaibel 1.1 = Kaibel 1889.
Kaibel, G. (1889): Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta. Edidit G. K. Vol. I fase. 1 (Dorien-
sium comoedia Mimi Phlyaces), Berolini (1958 ).
Kaibel, G. (1898): Die Prolegomena περί κωμωδίας, AGWG 2,4, Berlin.
Kanngießer, P. F. (1817): Die alte komische Bühne in Athen, Wroclaw.
Kassel, R. (1966): Kritische und exegetische Kleinigkeiten II, RhM 109, 1-12.
Kassel-Austin = Poetae Comici Graeci (PCG): PCGI (Comoedia Dorica Mimi Phlyaces).
Ediderunt R. Kassel et C. Austin, Berolini/Novi Eboraci 2001; PCG II (Agathenor—
Aristonymus), 1991; PCG III 2 (Aristophanes. Testimonia et Fragmenta), 1984; PCG
IV (Aristophon—Crobylus), 1983; PCG V (Damoxenus—Magnes), 1986; PCG VI
2 (Menander. Testimonia et Fragmenta apud scriptores servata), 1998; PCG VII
(Menecrates—Xenophon), 1989; PCG VIII (Adespota), 1995.
Kaster, R. A. (1988): Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late
Antiquity, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London.