
Meier, Mischa [Hrsg.]; Radtki, Christine [Hrsg.]; Schulz, Fabian [Hrsg.]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Hrsg.]
Malalas-Studien: Schriften zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas (Band 1): Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas: Autor - Werk - Überlieferung — Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2016

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242 Pia Carolla
“n. 251 Aelianus8
Collectanea ex variis auctoribus de insidiis belli.
n. 252 Polyaeni de bellico apparatu.”
Actually, each part encompasses different groups of texts, so that I suggest labeling
five subsections:
la) Aelian, Historical miscellany &Heraclides Lembos, Politiae: fols. 1-67V+67V-72V;
lb) El from Nicholas Damascenus, fols. 74-105^
lc) El from other five historians, following this order:
- John Antiochenus, fols. io7r-i54v;
- <John Malalas>, fols. i55r-i68v;
- George Monachus, fols. 169-175V;
- Diodorus Siculus, fols. 176-187V;
- Dionysios Halicarnassensis, mixed with two folios from <Polybius>, fols. 188-196V;9
II a) Polyaenus, Stratagems·, fols. 198-324V;
II b) Leo, Constitution XIX on naval battle·, Agathemerus, Geography, anonymous geo-
graphical works', Justin, Confutation of Aristotle·, fols. 326-353V.
In regards to the scribal collaboration,
la) is subscribed and dated by Andronicus Nuccius, 12 March 1543 (fol. 72V);
lb) is written by < Nicholas Murmuris>;
lc) by <John Mauromates>;
Ila) written by Petros Carnabakas (subscriptus fol. 324V);
lib) by an anonymous scribe (fols. 326-353V).
Regarding the composition of the codex, the El collection has four quires by Nicholas
Murmuris (three quaterniones, one quinio). Then Mauromates writes the rest, with a
new series of 12 quires: ten quaterniones, two terniones. According to the catalogue,
these 12 quires are numbered, i.e. originally Ic) was independent.
Besides, the paper changes in Mauromates’ quires, according to the catalogue and
to the study of Cataldi Palau on the scribe: it should be Harlfinger Chapeau 51, with
countermark B.10 Cataldi Palau says that the same paper appears in Vatican City, Bi-
blioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 1444 (philosophical miscellany, owned by Men-
doza, then by Sirleto), and in Vat. gr. 1427 (medical receipts, owned by Sirleto).
The type Chapeau 51 is a very common paper, so it is no wonder that, in fact, I have
found in both Vaticani some slightly different watermarks: Vat. gr. 1427 has a couple of
8 Graux is right in assuming that a line is missing between Aelianus and Collectanea, in the Egerton copy
of Mendoza’s Memorial: there should be the title Varia Historia.
9 Inside the section of Dion. Hal., at fol. i88v med., the text from <Polybius> starts abruptly and goes on
to fol. 190V, mutilated at the beginning and the end, “sine ulla distinctione” (de Boor). This means that
the tradition of El was already perturbated in the antigraphon of S.
10 Harlfinger, Wasserzeichen. I rely on the data of the catalogue, see de Andres, Catälogo Escorial, pp. 131-
133; and on the table of Cataldi Palau, loannes Mauromates, p. 392.
© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften