
Carrara, Laura [Editor]; Meier, Mischa [Editor]; Radtki-Jansen, Christine [Editor]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Editor]
Malalas-Studien: Schriften zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas (Band 2): Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas: Quellenfragen — Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017

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Umberto Roberto

of chronological calculations as a tool for affirming, on the one hand, the truth of
Christianity over pagan wisdom and, on the other, as an antidote to the millenarian
trends of his time. Notwithstanding the title of the work, Chronographia, and the refer-
ence to Africanus and Eusebius in the introduction, Malalas’whole chronological sys-
tem is approximate and incomplete. Together with the other deviation from the value
of synchronism - the abandonment of the synchronistic narrative of events among the
Hebrews and other peoples after the era of the Trojan War - this theosophical and
non-scientific interpretation of Augustan synchronism reveals the most significant
difference between Malalas and his model and source, Africanus.
Excerpta Latina Barbari = Chronica Minora collegit et emendavit Carolus Frick vol. I Accedunt
Hippolyti Romani praeter canonem paschalem fragmenta chronologica, Lipsiae 1892.
Flavius losephus, Antiquitates ludaicae = Flavii losephi Opera edidit et apparato critico instruxit
Benedictus Niese, vol. I Antiquitatum ludaicarum libri I-V, Berolini 1887.
Georgius Cedrenus, Historiarum compendium = Georgii Cedreni Historiarum compendium.
Edizione critica a cura di Luigi Tartaglia vol. I (Supplemente n. 30 al Bollettino dei Classici.
Accademia nazionale dei Lincei), Roma 2016.
Georgius Monachus, Chronicon = Georgii Monachi Chronicon edidit Carolus de Boor editionem
anni MCMIV correctiorem curavit Peter Wirth volumen I textum genuinum usque ad Vespa-
siani imperium continens, Stutgardiae 1978.
loannes Antiochenus, Historia chronica = loannis Antiocheni Fragmenta ex Historia chronica,
Introduzione, edizione critica e traduzione a cura di Umberto Roberto (Texte und Untersu-
chungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 154), Berlin/New York 2005.
loannes Niciensis, Chronicon = The Chronicle of John, Bishop of Nikiu: translated from Zoten-
berg’s Ethiopic Text. Translated with an introduction by R. H. Charles, Oxford 1916 (Reprint in
Christian Roman Empire Series, vol. 4 Merchantville NJ 2007).
lulius Africanus, Chronographiae = lulius Africanus Chronographiae The Extant Fragments. Ed-
ited by Martin Wallraff with Umberto Roberto and, for the Oriental Sources, Karl Pinggera.
Translated by William Adler (GCS N.E 15), Berlin/New York 2007.
Liber Jubilaeorum = The Book of Jubilees edited and translated by James C. Vanderkam (CSCO
510 Scriptores Aethiopici tomus 87: A critical text, CSCO 511 Scriptores Aethiopici tomus 88),
Lovanii 1989.
Malalas, Chronographia = loannis Malalae Chronographia recensuit loannes Thurn (CFHB 35),
Berolini/Novi Eboraci 2000.
Michael Syrus, Chronicon = Chronique de Michel le Syrien patriarche jacobite d’Antioche (1166-
1199). Editee pour la premiere fois et traduit en frangais par J.-B. Chabot. Tome premier Paris
1924; Tome IV (Texte syriaque) Paris 1910.
Symeon Logothetes, Chronicon = Symeonis Magistri et Logothetae Chronicon recensuit Stepha-
nus Wahlgren (CFHB 44/1), Berolini/Novi Eboraci 2006.
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