Malalas and the Debate over Chalcedon
mit that Malalas’ Chronicle demonstrates an overarching conservative, bureaucratic
tendency to imperium and religious differences, but that neo-Chalcedonianism may
have been an influence as well. Many people must have been indifferent to, or tired of,
the wrangling about Chalcedon, but an additional consideration is that genres such as
the chronicle and the kontakion, at least at this stage, did not allow full expression of
a theological position, even supposing that the author was theologically interested or
engaged. With respect to the chronicle genre the situation possibly changed later with
Theophanes and George the Monk.
Eustathius Monachus, Epistula de duabus naturis = Eustathii Monachii Epistula de duabus naturis
edita curante Pauline Allen in: Diversorum Postchalcedonensium Auctorum Collectanea I
Pamphili Theologi Opus edidit Jose H. Declerck Eustathii Monachi Opus edidit Pauline Allen
(CCSG 19), Brepols/Leuven 1989, pp. 391-447.
Evagrius Historia Ecclesiastica = The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius with the scholia
edited with introduction, critical notes, and indices by J. Bidez and L. Parmentier, London 1898
(Reprint Amsterdam 1964).
loannes Ephesinus, Historia Ecclesiastica pars tertia = Iohannis Ephesini Historiae Ecclesiasticae
Pars Tertia edidit et interpretatus est E.W. Brooks (CSCO 105 Scriptores Syri series V tomus
54 textus; CSCO 106 Scriptores Syri series V tomus 55 versio), Lovanii 1935, 1936 (Reprint
Louvain 1952).
Malalas, Chronographia = loannis Malalae Chronographia recensuit loannes Thurn (CFHB 35),
Berolini/Novi Eboraci 2000; cf. Jeffreys, E./Jeffreys, M./Scott, R., The Chronicle of John
Malalas. A Translation (Byzantina Australiensia 4), Melbourne 1986; Johannes Malalas
Weltchronik übersetzt von Johannes Thurn (f) und Mischa Meier (bearb.) mit einer Einleitung
von Claudia Drosihn, Mischa Meier und Stefan Priwitzer und Erläuterungen von Claudia
Drosihn, Katharina Enderle, Mischa Meier und Stefan Priwitzer (Bibliothek der griechischen
Literatur 69), Stuttgart 2009.
Marcellinus Comes, Chronicon = B. Croke,The Chronicle of Marcellinus. A Translation and Com-
mentary with a reproduction of Mommsen’s edition of the text (Byzantina Australiensia 7),
Sydney 1995.
Ps.-Zacharia Rhetor, Historia Ecclesiastica = Historia Ecclesiastica Zachariae Rhetori vulgo ad-
scripta edidit E.W. Brooks (CSCO Scriptores Syri series III tomus 5 et 6 textus), Parisiis 1919,
1921; cf. The Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor. Church and War in Late Antiquity. Ed-
ited by Geoffrey Greatrex, translated by Robert R. Phenix and Cornelia B. Horn, with con-
tributions by Sebastian P. Brock and Witold Witakowski (Translated Texts for Historians 55),
Liverpool 2011.
Severus Antiochenus, Epistulae selectarum tomus sextus = The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of
Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, in the syriac version of Athanasius of Nisibis, edited and trans-
lated by E.W. Brooks vol. I (text) part II; vol. II (translation) part II, London/Oxford 1904.
Severus Antiochenus, Liber contra impium Grammaticum = Severi Antiocheni liber contra impium
Grammaticum oratio prima et secunda edidit et interpretatus est losephus Lebon (CSCO
Scriptores Syri series 5 tomus 58 vol. in textus, tomus 59 vol. 122 versio), Lovanii 1938 (reimpr.
mit that Malalas’ Chronicle demonstrates an overarching conservative, bureaucratic
tendency to imperium and religious differences, but that neo-Chalcedonianism may
have been an influence as well. Many people must have been indifferent to, or tired of,
the wrangling about Chalcedon, but an additional consideration is that genres such as
the chronicle and the kontakion, at least at this stage, did not allow full expression of
a theological position, even supposing that the author was theologically interested or
engaged. With respect to the chronicle genre the situation possibly changed later with
Theophanes and George the Monk.
Eustathius Monachus, Epistula de duabus naturis = Eustathii Monachii Epistula de duabus naturis
edita curante Pauline Allen in: Diversorum Postchalcedonensium Auctorum Collectanea I
Pamphili Theologi Opus edidit Jose H. Declerck Eustathii Monachi Opus edidit Pauline Allen
(CCSG 19), Brepols/Leuven 1989, pp. 391-447.
Evagrius Historia Ecclesiastica = The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius with the scholia
edited with introduction, critical notes, and indices by J. Bidez and L. Parmentier, London 1898
(Reprint Amsterdam 1964).
loannes Ephesinus, Historia Ecclesiastica pars tertia = Iohannis Ephesini Historiae Ecclesiasticae
Pars Tertia edidit et interpretatus est E.W. Brooks (CSCO 105 Scriptores Syri series V tomus
54 textus; CSCO 106 Scriptores Syri series V tomus 55 versio), Lovanii 1935, 1936 (Reprint
Louvain 1952).
Malalas, Chronographia = loannis Malalae Chronographia recensuit loannes Thurn (CFHB 35),
Berolini/Novi Eboraci 2000; cf. Jeffreys, E./Jeffreys, M./Scott, R., The Chronicle of John
Malalas. A Translation (Byzantina Australiensia 4), Melbourne 1986; Johannes Malalas
Weltchronik übersetzt von Johannes Thurn (f) und Mischa Meier (bearb.) mit einer Einleitung
von Claudia Drosihn, Mischa Meier und Stefan Priwitzer und Erläuterungen von Claudia
Drosihn, Katharina Enderle, Mischa Meier und Stefan Priwitzer (Bibliothek der griechischen
Literatur 69), Stuttgart 2009.
Marcellinus Comes, Chronicon = B. Croke,The Chronicle of Marcellinus. A Translation and Com-
mentary with a reproduction of Mommsen’s edition of the text (Byzantina Australiensia 7),
Sydney 1995.
Ps.-Zacharia Rhetor, Historia Ecclesiastica = Historia Ecclesiastica Zachariae Rhetori vulgo ad-
scripta edidit E.W. Brooks (CSCO Scriptores Syri series III tomus 5 et 6 textus), Parisiis 1919,
1921; cf. The Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor. Church and War in Late Antiquity. Ed-
ited by Geoffrey Greatrex, translated by Robert R. Phenix and Cornelia B. Horn, with con-
tributions by Sebastian P. Brock and Witold Witakowski (Translated Texts for Historians 55),
Liverpool 2011.
Severus Antiochenus, Epistulae selectarum tomus sextus = The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of
Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, in the syriac version of Athanasius of Nisibis, edited and trans-
lated by E.W. Brooks vol. I (text) part II; vol. II (translation) part II, London/Oxford 1904.
Severus Antiochenus, Liber contra impium Grammaticum = Severi Antiocheni liber contra impium
Grammaticum oratio prima et secunda edidit et interpretatus est losephus Lebon (CSCO
Scriptores Syri series 5 tomus 58 vol. in textus, tomus 59 vol. 122 versio), Lovanii 1938 (reimpr.