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Laura Carrara
Vercleynen (1988) = Vercleynen, F.,Tremblements de terre a Constantinople. L’impact sur la popu-
lation, in: Byz 58 (1988), S. 155-171.
Waldherr (1997) = Waldherr, G.H., Erdbeben. Das aussergewöhnliche Normale. Zur Rezeption
seismischer Aktivitäten in literarischen Quellen vom 4. Jahrhundert v.Chr. bis zum 4. Jahrhun-
dert n.Chr. (Geographica Historica 9), Stuttgart 1997.
Watts (2014) = Watts, E., The historical context: the rhetoric of suffering in Libanius’ Monodies,
Letters and Autobiography, in: van Hoof, L. (Hrsg.), Libanius. A Critical Introduction, Cam-
bridge 2014, S. 39-58.
Weierholt (1965) = Weierholt, K., Zur Überlieferung der Malalaschronik, Stavanger 1965.
Weis (1973) = Julian Briefe Griechisch-Deutsch ed. Bertold K. Weis, München 1973.
Whitby (1992) = Whitby, Μ., Greek Historical Writing after Procopius: Variety and Vitality, in:
Cameron, Av./Conrad, L.I. (Hrsg.),The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East. I Problems in
the literary source material. Papers of the First Workshop on Late Antiquity and Early Islam
(Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam 1), Princeton 1992, S. 25-80.
Whitby (2000) = The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus translated with an Introduc-
tion by Michael Whitby (Translated Texts for Historians volume 33), Liverpool 2000.
Wintjes (2005) = Wintjes,J.,Das Leben des Libanios (Historische Studien der Universität Würz-
burg 2), Rahden 2005.
Witakowski (1987) = Witakowski, W, The Syriac Chronicle of Pseudo-Dionysius of Tell-Mahre,
Uppsala 1987.
Witakowski (1990) = Witakowski, W, The transmission of Malalas’chronicle 4: Malalas in Syriac,
in: Jeffreys, E./Croke, B./ Scott, R. (Hrsg.), Studies in John Malalas (Byzantina Australiensia
6), Sydney 1990, S. 299-310.
Witakowski (1991) = Witakowski, W, Sources of Pseudo-Dionysius for the Third Part of his
Chronicle, in: Orientalia Suecana 40 (1991), S. 252-275.
Witakowski (1996) = Pseudo-Dionysius ofTel-Mahre Chronicle Part III. Translated with notes
and introduction by Witold Witakowski, Liverpool 1996.
Wolf (1916) = Wolf, K., s.v. loannes Malalas 22, in: RE Bd. 9, Stuttgart 1916, Sp. 1795-1799.
Wolf (1952) = Wolf, P, Vom Schulwesen der Spätantike. Studien zu Libanius, Baden-Baden 1952.
Wright (1872) = Wright, W,The Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum, part III, London 1872.