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The collaboration between French scholars and the so-called Heidelberg
group of German scholars (Prof K. Jettmar, Prof H. Berger, Prof G.
Buddruss, Dr P. Snoy) began more than 25 years ago. The Ah/aj J/rgufy-
fayae Jay par/ery Ja/Jay el /:a/zry, which I published in 1972/ takes ac-
count of long lists of words painstakingly collected by G. Buddruss in
the Afghan Nuristan, which were still unpublished and which he did not
hesitate to impart to the young unknown French scholar I was at that
time. Some years later, K. Jettmar and P. Snoy gave me a batch of pho-
tographs taken in 1955 by P. Snoy near Alam Bridge, on the left bank
of the Gilgit river. This led to the first ever publication of Indian in-
scriptions discovered along the Karakorum Highway/ Later on, when
Prof Jettmar and Prof Dani began the exploration of the archaeological
sites discovered by K. Jettmar in 1979 between Shatial and Hunza-Hal-
deikish, they kept sending me photographs and every kind of data, al-
lowing me to reap the product of the efforts of my German and Pakista-
ni colleagues and, for instance, to publish anew the Chilas II inscrip-
tions/ after the previous pioneering decipherings made by A.H. Dani/
Other publications are waiting in portfolio.
Thanks to the generosity of K. Jettmar, that collaboration was not limit-
ed to French scholars. Our British (Dr N. Sims-Williams), Soviet (Prof
Litvinskij and Prof Ranov) and Chinese (Ma-Yong) colleagues could use
without limitation the rich archives of the new Institute founded by K.

1 FussMAN 1972.
2 FussMAN 1978.
3 FussMAN 1989.
4 DAM 1983.

© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften