
Benjamin, Millis; Anaxandrides
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 17): Anaxandrides: introduction, translation, commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2015

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Πρωτεσίλαος (fr. 42)

πυών Schweighauser’s πυών is surely correct, even though πυός seldom
if ever occurs in the plural, since ‘beestings’ is exactly what is wanted here,
while A’s πυρών (‘wheat’) is out of place. Collocation of χόρια and πυός is
fairly frequent (Ar. frr. 333.5; 581.4; Eub. fr. 109.4 [cf. 74.4-5]); for πυός, cf.
Olson 1998 on Ar. Pax 1150.
45 καρύων The generic term for nuts; cf. Pellegrino 1998 on Metag.
fr. 18; below on χόνδρου.
χόνδρου Pudding made from wheat groats or barley groats, and like
πτισάνη (42) occasionally served to the sick; cf. Hunter 1983 on Eub. fr. 89.4
(90 K); Arnott 1996 on Alex. fr. 196; Olson-Sens 1999 on Matro fr. 1.102 (SH
534). Like κάρυα (above), χόνδρος is often found as a dessert, so the two form
a suitable end to this section of the catalogue.
46-62 The construction switches to the nominative for a long section of
the list (46-62) comprised of various fish (46-53), followed by an amalgam,
predominantly fruits, vegetables, grains, and seasonings (53-62).
46-9 Note the back and forth in each line between broiled and stewed
fish and the accompanying variation in number and/or gender.
46 κάραβοι οπτοί The crawfish, to be distinguished from the lobster
(αστακός), is common in banquet catalogues (e. g. Mnesim. fr. 4.44; Ephipp. fr.
15.5), where it is occasionally mentioned as being broiled (e.g. Alex. fr. 57.4;
cf. Metag. fr. 6.6); cf. Pellegrino 1998 on Metag. fr. 6.6; Arnott 1996 on Alex. fr.
57; Olson-Sens 1999 on Matro fr. 1.66 (SH 534); Thompson 1947. 102-3. For
broiling, see on fr. 23.
The correption is not uncommon (e.g. 47, 48, 55); cf. White 1912 §790
(where restriction of the phenomenon to anapaestic tetrameters and dactylic
hexameters is not quite accurate); Introduction.
τευθίδες όπταί Like crawfish, squid frequently appear in banquet cata-
logues (e. g. Mnesim. fr. 4.41; Antiph. fr. 130.3) and are often broiled (e. g. Ar. Eq.
929-30; Eub. fr. 14.8); cf. Pellegrino 1998 on Metag. fr. 6.6; Arnott 1996 on Alex,
fr. 84.1; Olson-Sens 1999 on Matro fr. 1.50 (SH 534); Thompson 1947. 260-1.
47 κεστρεύς έφθός κεστρεύς, the generic term for the grey mullet, is
common in food catalogues (e.g. Philyll. fr. 12.3; Mnesim. fr. 4.45); cf. Arnott
1996 on Alex. fr. 16.8-11; Olson-Sens 2000 on Archestr. fr. 43.1 (SH 174);
Thompson 1947. 108-10 (cf. pp. 110-12 s. v. κέφαλος, 176 s. v. νήστις). For the
name of the fish used as a nickname for a starving person, see on fr. 35.8. For
έφθός as opposed to όπτος, see on fr. 23.
σηπίαι έφθαί Cuttlefish are common in food catalogues (e. g. Mnesim.
fr. 4.43; Eub. fr. 109.2) and are stewed at Alex. fr. 192.1-3; cf. Arnott 1996 on
Alex. fr. 159.3; Olson-Sens 1999 on Matro fr. 1.34 (SH534); Dohm 1964.110-11;
Thompson 1947. 231-3.
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