Shipley 1987: Graham Shipley, A History of Samos, 800-188 BC (Oxford)
Shipp 1979: George Pelham Shipp, Modern Greek Evidence for the Ancient Greek
Vocabulary (Sydney)
Sicking 1883: L. J. Sicking, Annotationes in Antiatticistam (Amsterdam)
Sidwell 2000: Keith Sidwell, ‘Athenaeus, Lucian and Fifth-century Comedy’, in David
Braund and John Wilkins (eds.), Athenaeus and his World: Reading Greek Culture
in the Roman Empire (Exeter), pp. 136-52
Simms 1989: Ronda R. Simms, ‘Isis in Classical Athens’, CJ 89: 216-21
Smyth 1900: Herbert Weir Smyth (ed.), Greek Melic Poets (London)
Smyth 1956: Herbert Weir Smyth, Greek Grammar (rev. by G. M. Messing: Cambridge
Snell 1986: Bruno Snell (ed.), Tragicorum Graecorum FragmentaVol. I Didascaliae trag-
icae, catalogi tragicorum et tragoediarum testimonia et fragmenta tragicorum mi-
norum (rev. Richard Kannicht: Gottingen)
Snyder 1979: J. Snyder, ‘Aulos and Kithara on the Greek Stage’, in Timothy E. Gregory
and Anthony J. Podlecki (eds.), Panathenaia: Studies in Athenian Life and Thought
in the Classical Age (Lawrence KA), pp. 75-95
Sokolowski 1955: Franciszek Sokolowski, Lois sacrees de PAsie Mineure (Travaux et
memories 9: Paris)
Sokolowski 1969: Franciszek Sokolowski, Lois sacrees des cites grecques (Travaux et
memories 18: Paris)
Solin 1996: Heikki Solin, Die stadtrdmischen Sklavennamen: ein Namenbuch (For-
schungen zur antiken Sklaverei Beiheft 2: Stuttgart)
Solin 2003: Heikki Solin, Die griechischen Personennamen in Rom: ein Namenbuch2 (CIL
Auctarium, ser. nov., vol. 2, 3 vols.: Berlin and New York)
Sommerstein 1981: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Aristophanes: Knights (The Comedies
of Aristophanes 2: Warminster)
Sommerstein 1996: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Aristophanes: Frogs (The Comedies of
Aristophanes 9: Warminster)
Sommerstein 2009: Alan H. Sommerstein, Talking about Laughter and Other Studies in
Greek Comedy (Oxford)
Sommerstein-Bayless 2012: Alan H. Sommerstein and Andrew J. Bayless, Oath and
State in Ancient Greece (Beitrage zur Altertumskunde 306: Berlin and New York)
Sommerstein-Fletcher 2007: Alan H. Sommerstein and Judith Fletcher (eds.), Horkos:
The Oath in Greek Society (Exeter)
Sommerstein-Torrance 2014: Alan H. Sommerstein and Isabelle C. Torrance (eds.),
Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece (Beitrage zur Altertumskunde 307: Berlin
and New York)
Sparkes 1962: Brian A. Sparkes, ‘The Greek Kitchen’, JHS 82: 121-37
Sparkes 1975: Brian A. Sparkes, ‘Illustrating Aristophanes’, JHS 95 :122-35
Spengel 1828: Leonhard Spengel, ΣΥΝΑΓΩΓΗ ΤΕΧΝΩΝsive artium scriptores ab initiis
usque ad editos Aristotelis de rhetorica libros (Stuttgart)
Spengel 1867: Leonhard Spengel (ed.), Aristotelis Ars rhetorica (2 vols.: Leipzig)
Shipley 1987: Graham Shipley, A History of Samos, 800-188 BC (Oxford)
Shipp 1979: George Pelham Shipp, Modern Greek Evidence for the Ancient Greek
Vocabulary (Sydney)
Sicking 1883: L. J. Sicking, Annotationes in Antiatticistam (Amsterdam)
Sidwell 2000: Keith Sidwell, ‘Athenaeus, Lucian and Fifth-century Comedy’, in David
Braund and John Wilkins (eds.), Athenaeus and his World: Reading Greek Culture
in the Roman Empire (Exeter), pp. 136-52
Simms 1989: Ronda R. Simms, ‘Isis in Classical Athens’, CJ 89: 216-21
Smyth 1900: Herbert Weir Smyth (ed.), Greek Melic Poets (London)
Smyth 1956: Herbert Weir Smyth, Greek Grammar (rev. by G. M. Messing: Cambridge
Snell 1986: Bruno Snell (ed.), Tragicorum Graecorum FragmentaVol. I Didascaliae trag-
icae, catalogi tragicorum et tragoediarum testimonia et fragmenta tragicorum mi-
norum (rev. Richard Kannicht: Gottingen)
Snyder 1979: J. Snyder, ‘Aulos and Kithara on the Greek Stage’, in Timothy E. Gregory
and Anthony J. Podlecki (eds.), Panathenaia: Studies in Athenian Life and Thought
in the Classical Age (Lawrence KA), pp. 75-95
Sokolowski 1955: Franciszek Sokolowski, Lois sacrees de PAsie Mineure (Travaux et
memories 9: Paris)
Sokolowski 1969: Franciszek Sokolowski, Lois sacrees des cites grecques (Travaux et
memories 18: Paris)
Solin 1996: Heikki Solin, Die stadtrdmischen Sklavennamen: ein Namenbuch (For-
schungen zur antiken Sklaverei Beiheft 2: Stuttgart)
Solin 2003: Heikki Solin, Die griechischen Personennamen in Rom: ein Namenbuch2 (CIL
Auctarium, ser. nov., vol. 2, 3 vols.: Berlin and New York)
Sommerstein 1981: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Aristophanes: Knights (The Comedies
of Aristophanes 2: Warminster)
Sommerstein 1996: Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Aristophanes: Frogs (The Comedies of
Aristophanes 9: Warminster)
Sommerstein 2009: Alan H. Sommerstein, Talking about Laughter and Other Studies in
Greek Comedy (Oxford)
Sommerstein-Bayless 2012: Alan H. Sommerstein and Andrew J. Bayless, Oath and
State in Ancient Greece (Beitrage zur Altertumskunde 306: Berlin and New York)
Sommerstein-Fletcher 2007: Alan H. Sommerstein and Judith Fletcher (eds.), Horkos:
The Oath in Greek Society (Exeter)
Sommerstein-Torrance 2014: Alan H. Sommerstein and Isabelle C. Torrance (eds.),
Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece (Beitrage zur Altertumskunde 307: Berlin
and New York)
Sparkes 1962: Brian A. Sparkes, ‘The Greek Kitchen’, JHS 82: 121-37
Sparkes 1975: Brian A. Sparkes, ‘Illustrating Aristophanes’, JHS 95 :122-35
Spengel 1828: Leonhard Spengel, ΣΥΝΑΓΩΓΗ ΤΕΧΝΩΝsive artium scriptores ab initiis
usque ad editos Aristotelis de rhetorica libros (Stuttgart)
Spengel 1867: Leonhard Spengel (ed.), Aristotelis Ars rhetorica (2 vols.: Leipzig)