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21, 38-61.
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Caven, B. (1990): Dionysius I. War-Lord of Sicily, New Haven und London.
Ceccarelli, P. (1996): L Athenes de Pericles: Un „Pays de cocagne“? L’ideologie de-
mocratique et Γαυτόματος βίος dans la comedie ancienne, Quaderni Urbinati di
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Chandler, H. W. (1881): A Practical Introduction to Greek Accentuation, 2. Auf!., Ox-
Chantraine = P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue grecque. Nouvelle
edition Paris 2009.
Chantraine, P. (1933): La formation des noms en grec ancien, Paris.
Chueca Ramon, A. (1999): Cefisodoro el meteco ^un traficante de esclavos?, in: A.
Alonso Avila (Hg.), Homenaje al profesor Montenegro: estudios de historia anti-
gua, 69-74, Valladolid.
Clinton, H. F. (1824): Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece. Vol.
II, from the LVth to the CXXIVth Olympiad, Oxford.
Cobet, C. G. (1840): Observationes Criticae in Platonis Comici Reliquias, Amstelodami.
Cobet, C. G. (1856): Variae Lectiones (Continued), Mnemosyne 5, 81-418.
Cobet, C. G. (1858): Novae lectiones quibus continentur Observationes Criticae in
scriptores Graecos, Lugduni Batavorum.
Caley, E. R./Richards,}. F. C. (1956): Theophrastus OnStones. Introduction, GreekText,
English Translation and Commentary, Columbus, Ohio.
Callaway, J. S. (1950): Sybaris, Baltimore.
Campagner, R. (2002): II gioco del cottabo nelle commedie di Aristofane, QUCC 72,
Canciani, F. (1986): Aurai, Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae III. 1, 52-54.
Canevoro, Μ./Harris, E. Μ. (2012): The Documents in Andocides’ On the Mysteries,
CQ 62, 98-129.
Capps, E. (1900): Chronological Studies in the Greek Tragic and Comic Poets, AJPh
21, 38-61.
Capps, E. (1906): The Roman Fragments of Athenian Comic Didascaliae, CPh 1, 201-
Capps, E. (1907): Epigraphical Problems in the History of Attic Comedy, AJPh 28,
Capps, E. (1943): A New Fragment of the List of Victors at the City Dionysia, Hesperia
12, 1-11.
Carey, C. (2000): Old Comedy and the Sophists, in: D. Harvey/J. Wilkins (Hgg.), The
Rivals of Aristophanes. Studies in Athenian Old Comedy, 419-436, London.
Casaubon, I. (1621): Animadversionum in Athen. Deipnosophistas libri XV, 2. Auf!.,
Casolari, F. (2003): Die Mythentravestie in der griechischen Komödie, Münster.
Casson, L. (1995): Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World, 2. Auf!., Baltimore und
Casson, L. (2001): Libraries in the Ancient World, New Haven und London.
Cavallini, E. (1984): Note a Cefisodoro, Museum Criticum 19-20. 137-139.
Caven, B. (1990): Dionysius I. War-Lord of Sicily, New Haven und London.
Ceccarelli, P. (1996): L Athenes de Pericles: Un „Pays de cocagne“? L’ideologie de-
mocratique et Γαυτόματος βίος dans la comedie ancienne, Quaderni Urbinati di
Cultura Classica 54, 109-159.
Ceccarelli, P. (1998): La pirrica nell’antichitä greco romana. Studi sulla danza armata,
Pisa und Roma.
Chandler, H. W. (1881): A Practical Introduction to Greek Accentuation, 2. Auf!., Ox-
Chantraine = P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue grecque. Nouvelle
edition Paris 2009.
Chantraine, P. (1933): La formation des noms en grec ancien, Paris.
Chueca Ramon, A. (1999): Cefisodoro el meteco ^un traficante de esclavos?, in: A.
Alonso Avila (Hg.), Homenaje al profesor Montenegro: estudios de historia anti-
gua, 69-74, Valladolid.
Clinton, H. F. (1824): Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece. Vol.
II, from the LVth to the CXXIVth Olympiad, Oxford.
Cobet, C. G. (1840): Observationes Criticae in Platonis Comici Reliquias, Amstelodami.
Cobet, C. G. (1856): Variae Lectiones (Continued), Mnemosyne 5, 81-418.
Cobet, C. G. (1858): Novae lectiones quibus continentur Observationes Criticae in
scriptores Graecos, Lugduni Batavorum.