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Texts and Commentary, Leiden.
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(Hgg.), Amazonen zwischen Griechen und Skythen, 39-55, Berlin und Boston.
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Teodorsson, S.-T. (1974): The Phonemic System of the Attic Dialect 400-340 B.C., Lund.
Sourvinou-Inwood, C. (2000): Fürther Aspects of Polis Religion, in: R. Buxton (Hg.),
Oxford Readings in Greek Religion, 38-55, Oxford.
Spiegelberg, W. (1921): ΨΑΓΔΑΝ, ΨΑΓΔΑΣ, ΣΑΓΔΑΣ, Hermes 56, 332-333.
Spyropoulos, E. S. (1974): L’accumulation verbale chez Aristophane, Thessaloniki.
Squintu, C. (2006): Le Atellane di Pomponio. Introduzione, commento e indici, Cagliari.
Stadler, H. (1916): Iris (2), RE IX.2, 2043-2045.
Starkie, W. J. Μ. (1897): The Wasps of Aristophanes. With Introduction, Metrical
Analysis, Critical Notes, and Commentary, London.
Starkie, W. J. Μ. (1909): The Acharnians of Aristophanes. With introduction, english
prose translation, critical notes and commentary, London.
Starkie, W. J. Μ. (1911): The Clouds of Aristophanes. With introductio, English prose
translation, critical notes and commentary, including a new transcript of the scho-
lia in the codex Venetus Marcianus 474, London.
Steier, A. (1926): Löwe, RE XIII. 1, 968-990.
Steier, A. (1929a): Spitzmaus, RE IIIA.2, 1816-1820.
Steier, A. (1929b): Spinnentiere, RE IIIA.2, 1786-1812.
Steinhausen, J. (1910): ΚΩΜΩΙΔΟΥΜΕΝΟΙ. De grammaticorum veterum studiis ad
homines in comoedia Attica irrisos pertinentibus, Bonnae.
Stenger, J. /Bäbler, B. (2002): Theseus, DNP XII.l, 435-439.
Stephenson, F. R. / Fatoohi, L. J. (2001): The Eclipses Recorded by Thucydides, Historia:
Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 50, 245-253.
Storey, FOC = Fragments of Old Comedy. Edited and translated by I.C. Storey, 3 Bde.
Cambridge/Mass. und London 2011.
Storey, I. C. (1985): The Symposium at „Wasps“ 1299 FF., Phoenix 39, 317-333.
Storey, I. C. (1987): Old Comedy 1975-1984, EMC 31, 1-46.
Storey, I. C. (1988): The Date of Kailias’ „Pedetai“, Hermes 116, 379-383.
Storey, I. C. (2003): Eupolis. Poet of Old Comedy, Oxford.
Sudhoff, K. (1910): Aus dem antiken Badewesen. Medizinisch-kulturgeschichtliche
Studien an Vasenbildern, Berlin.
Sutton, D. F. (1980): Plato Comicus Demoted: A Reconsideration, ZPE 38, 59-63.
Sutton, D. F. (1987): The Theatrical Families of Athens, AJPh 108, 9-26.
Taillardat, J. (1961): Ποσθαλίων et ποσθαλίσκος (Ar. Thesm. 291), RPh 35, 249-250.
Taillardat, J. (1965): Les images d’Aristophane. Etudes de langue et de style, 2. Auf!.,
Taplin, O. (1977): The Stagecraft of Aeschylus. The Dramatic Use of Exits and Entrances
in Greek Tragedy, Oxford.
Taplin, O. (1993): Comic Angels and Other Approaches to Greek Drama through Vase-
Paintings, Oxford.
Taran, L. (1981): Speusippus of Athens. A Critical Study with a Collection of the Related
Texts and Commentary, Leiden.
Taube, C. (2013): Literarische Amazonenbilder der Antike, in: C. Schubert/A. Weiß
(Hgg.), Amazonen zwischen Griechen und Skythen, 39-55, Berlin und Boston.
Telo, Μ. (2007): Eupolidis Demi, Firenze.
Teodorsson, S.-T. (1974): The Phonemic System of the Attic Dialect 400-340 B.C., Lund.