Umberto Roberto
f Stheneboea and Proetus
loannes Antiochenus, fr. 38 = Excerptum de Virtutibusη (whence Suda Σ 515, Σθενέβοία)
Malalas 113 Thurn is the source for an abridged version of the story of Stheneboia
in John of Antioch’s His tor ia Chronike'. As is shown by the mention of the reign of
Acrisius, John of Antioch even follows the narrative structure of Malalas’ Chronogra-
4) Paris and Helena
loannes Antiochenus, fr. 40,16-42 = Excerptum de Virtutibus 8
This text is also preserved by a long fragment in Cod. Vind. Hist. gr. 99, f. 8V, i/-iiv,
1; and partly in Suda Π 652. The main source for this text is Malalas, Chronographia V
3. Malalas’ historiographical structure is also an extremely important model for this
section of the Historia Chronike. The fall of Troy and the nostoi allow Malalas and John
of Antioch to shift the focus of their narrative from biblical history to Roman history
In dealing with the period of the Kings and the Republic, John of Antioch leaves from
Malalas and chooses new sources, such as Eutropius, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, and
5) Agamemnon and Orestes
loannes Antiochenus, 49.1 = Excerptum de Insidiis 3
Malalas, Chronographia V 30-36 is the source for this abridged version of the story
of Agamemnon and Orestes. Once again, John of Antioch does not copy the detailed
narration of Malalas, but prefers rather to make a synthesis.26
6) The Heath ofHerodesAntipas; the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
loannes Antiochenus, fr. 160-161 = Excerptum de Insidiis 32-33.
The source for both excerpts of John of Antioch is John Malalas {Chronographia
7) Nero, Petrus and Simon Magus
loannes Antiochenus, fr. 172 = Excerptum de Virtutibus 26.
24 Sotiroudis, Untersuchungen, p. 45, considers this excerptum as spurious because of stylistic reasons: «Im
Falle des Fr. 21 M(üller) vermissen wir die Vorzüge eines guten Stilisten; wir vermissen die Eleganz und
Fülle der Rede der Johannes. [...] Auf Grund dieser sprachlichen Beschaffenheit ist Fr. 21 M aus den
echten Resten unseres Autors auszuschneiden».
25 Sotiroudis, Untersuchungen, p. 46, considers this excerpt spurious on the basis of stylistic criteria.
26 Sotiroudis, Untersuchungen, p. 46, likewise judges this excerpt spurious for the same reasons.
27 See criticism in Sotiroudis, Untersuchungen, pp. 46-49.
Umberto Roberto
f Stheneboea and Proetus
loannes Antiochenus, fr. 38 = Excerptum de Virtutibusη (whence Suda Σ 515, Σθενέβοία)
Malalas 113 Thurn is the source for an abridged version of the story of Stheneboia
in John of Antioch’s His tor ia Chronike'. As is shown by the mention of the reign of
Acrisius, John of Antioch even follows the narrative structure of Malalas’ Chronogra-
4) Paris and Helena
loannes Antiochenus, fr. 40,16-42 = Excerptum de Virtutibus 8
This text is also preserved by a long fragment in Cod. Vind. Hist. gr. 99, f. 8V, i/-iiv,
1; and partly in Suda Π 652. The main source for this text is Malalas, Chronographia V
3. Malalas’ historiographical structure is also an extremely important model for this
section of the Historia Chronike. The fall of Troy and the nostoi allow Malalas and John
of Antioch to shift the focus of their narrative from biblical history to Roman history
In dealing with the period of the Kings and the Republic, John of Antioch leaves from
Malalas and chooses new sources, such as Eutropius, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, and
5) Agamemnon and Orestes
loannes Antiochenus, 49.1 = Excerptum de Insidiis 3
Malalas, Chronographia V 30-36 is the source for this abridged version of the story
of Agamemnon and Orestes. Once again, John of Antioch does not copy the detailed
narration of Malalas, but prefers rather to make a synthesis.26
6) The Heath ofHerodesAntipas; the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
loannes Antiochenus, fr. 160-161 = Excerptum de Insidiis 32-33.
The source for both excerpts of John of Antioch is John Malalas {Chronographia
7) Nero, Petrus and Simon Magus
loannes Antiochenus, fr. 172 = Excerptum de Virtutibus 26.
24 Sotiroudis, Untersuchungen, p. 45, considers this excerptum as spurious because of stylistic reasons: «Im
Falle des Fr. 21 M(üller) vermissen wir die Vorzüge eines guten Stilisten; wir vermissen die Eleganz und
Fülle der Rede der Johannes. [...] Auf Grund dieser sprachlichen Beschaffenheit ist Fr. 21 M aus den
echten Resten unseres Autors auszuschneiden».
25 Sotiroudis, Untersuchungen, p. 46, considers this excerpt spurious on the basis of stylistic criteria.
26 Sotiroudis, Untersuchungen, p. 46, likewise judges this excerpt spurious for the same reasons.
27 See criticism in Sotiroudis, Untersuchungen, pp. 46-49.