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Meineke, A. (1867): Athenaei Deipnosophistae. Vol. IV Analecta Critica continens,
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Mellink, Μ. J. (1943): Hyakinthos, Utrecht.
Mendner, S. (1953): Boxhandschuhe im Altertum, Gymnasium 60, 20-26.
Mensching, E. (1964): Zur Produktivität der alten Komödie, MH 21, 15-49.
Mette, H. J. (1977): Urkunden dramatischer Aufführungen in Griechenland, Berlin und
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Meyer, E. (1941): Phleius, RE 20,1, 269-290.
Meyer, H. / Franke, P. R. / Schäffer, J. (2004): Haussschweine in der griechisch-römischen
Antike. Eine morphologische und kulturhistorische Studie, Oldenburg.
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Receptivity, Cambridge.
Miller, S. G. (1978): The Prytaneion. Its Function and Architectural Form, Berkeley.
Miller, S. G. (1995): Old Metroon and Old Bouleuterion in the Classical Agora of Athens,
in: Μ. H. Hansen/K. Raaflaub (Hgg.), Studies in the Ancient Greek Polis, 133-156
(Historia Einzelschriften 95), Stuttgart.
Millis, B. W./Olson, S. D. (2012): Inscriptional Records for the Dramatic Festivals in
Athens. IG II2 2318-2325 and Related Texts. Edited, with Introduction and Com-
mentary, Leiden und Boston.
Mills, S. (1997): Theseus, Tragedy and the Athenian Empire, Oxford.
Milne, Μ. J. (1944): A Greek Footbath in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, AJA 48,
Monro, D. B. (1901): Homer’s Odyssey. Books XIII-XXIV. Edited with English Notes
and Appendices, Oxford.
Moraw, S. (1998): Die Mänade in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jahr-
hunderts v. Chr., Mainz.
Moreno Conde, Μ. (2008): Regards sur la religion laconienne: les Hyacinthia ä la lumi-
ere des textes et de l’archeologie, Madrid.
Moretti, L. (1960): Sülle didascalie del teatro attico rinvenute a Roma, Athenaeum 38,
Moretti, L. (1968): Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae 1, Romae.
Morgan, T. (2011): Education, Homer in, in: Μ. Finkeiberg (Hg.), The Homer Encyclo-
pedia. Vol. I, Chichester, 234-238.
Morris, S. P. (1985): ΛΑΣΑΝΑ: A Contribution to the Ancient Greek Kitchen, Hesperia:
The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 54, 393-409.
Morrison, J. S./Coates, J. F./Rankov, N. B. (2000): The Athenian Trireme. The History
and Reconstruction of an Ancient Greek Warship, 2. Aufl., Cambridge.
Morrison, J. S./Williams, R. T. (1968): Greek Oared Ships 900-322 B.C., Cambridge.
Morrow, K. D. (1985): Greek Footwear and the Dating of Sculpture, Madison.
Muhl, J. (1881): Zur Geschichte der alten attischen Komödie, Augsburg.
Munn, Μ. H. (2006): The Mother of the Gods, Athens, and the tyranny of Asia. A study
of sovereignity in ancient religion, Berkeley.