Wilhelm, A. (1906): Urkunden Dramatischer Aujfùhrungen in Athen, Wien.
Wilkins, J. (1993): Euripides: Heraclidae. Edited with Introduction and Commentary,
Wilkins, J. (2000): The Boastful Chef: The Discourse ofFood in Ancient Greek Comedy,
Wilkins, J. (2008): Atheneus thè Navigator, «JHS» CXXVIII 132-152.
Willemsen, F.-Brenne, S. (1991): Verzeichnis der Kerameikos-Ostraka, «MDAI(A)» CVI
Willi, A. (2002): Languages on Stage: Aristophanic Language, Cultural History, and
Athenian Identity, in A. Willi (ed.), The Language of Greek Comedy, Oxford, 111-149.
Willi, A. (2003): The Languages of Aristophanes. Aspects of Linguistic Variation in
Classical Attic Greek, Oxford.
Willi, A. (2010): The Language ofOld Comedy, in G.W Dobrov (ed.), Brill’s Companion
to thè Study of Ancient Greek Comedy, Leiden-Boston, 471-510.
Willink, CW. (1986): Euripides: Orestes. Edited with Introduction and Commentary.
Wilson, A.M. (1974): Dissertazione dottorale medita citata da Kassel-Austin (1986, 587).
Wilson, A.M. (1977): The Individualized Chorus in Old Comedy, «CQ» XXVII/2 278-283.
Wilson, J.R. (1971): Tolma and thè Meaning ofTalas, «AJPh» XCII/2 292-300.
Wilson, N.G. (2007): Aristophanea, Oxford 2007.
Winiarczyk, M. (1979): Diagoras von Melos. Wahrheit und Legende, «Eos» LXVII 191—
Winkler, JJ. (1982): Akko, «CPh» LXXVII/2 137-138.
Wòlke, H. (1978): Untersuchungen zur Batrachomyomachie, Meisenheim a.G.
Woodbury, L. (1965): The Date and Atheism of Diagoras of Melos, «Phoenix» XIX/3
Woodhead, A.G. (1954): Peisander, «AJPh» LXXV/2 131-146.
Wright, M. (2007): Comedy and thè Trojan War, «CQ» LVII/2 412-431.
Wright, M. (2012): The Comedian as Critic: Greek Old Comedy and Poetics, London.
Zelle, J. (1891): De comoediarum Graecarum saeculo quinto ante Christum natum acta-
rum temporibus definiendis, diss. Halis Saxonum.
Zielifiski, T. (1931): Iresione. Tomus I: Dissertationes ad comoediam et tragoediam
spectantes continens, Leopoli 1931, 76-95. [Il contributo da cui sono tratte tutte
le citazioni da questo volume è stato originariamente pubblicato col titolo di
Quaestiones Comicaein «Zumai MinisterstwaNarodn. Proswieszcz» 1886, 53-175].
Zimmermann, B. (1984): Untersuchungen zur Form und dramatischen Technik der ari-
stophanischen Komòdien, I: Parodos und Amoibaion, Kónigstein.
Zimmermann, B. (2000): Lyric in thè Fragments of Old Comedy, D. Harvey-J. Wilkins
(eds.), TheRivals of Aristophanes. Studies in Athenian Old Comedy, London 273-280.
Zimmermann, B. (2011); Die attische Komòdie, in B. Zimmermann (Hg.), Handbuch der
griechischen Literatur der Antike. Erster Band; Die Literatur der archaischen und
klassischen Zeit, Miinchen, 671-800.
Wilhelm, A. (1906): Urkunden Dramatischer Aujfùhrungen in Athen, Wien.
Wilkins, J. (1993): Euripides: Heraclidae. Edited with Introduction and Commentary,
Wilkins, J. (2000): The Boastful Chef: The Discourse ofFood in Ancient Greek Comedy,
Wilkins, J. (2008): Atheneus thè Navigator, «JHS» CXXVIII 132-152.
Willemsen, F.-Brenne, S. (1991): Verzeichnis der Kerameikos-Ostraka, «MDAI(A)» CVI
Willi, A. (2002): Languages on Stage: Aristophanic Language, Cultural History, and
Athenian Identity, in A. Willi (ed.), The Language of Greek Comedy, Oxford, 111-149.
Willi, A. (2003): The Languages of Aristophanes. Aspects of Linguistic Variation in
Classical Attic Greek, Oxford.
Willi, A. (2010): The Language ofOld Comedy, in G.W Dobrov (ed.), Brill’s Companion
to thè Study of Ancient Greek Comedy, Leiden-Boston, 471-510.
Willink, CW. (1986): Euripides: Orestes. Edited with Introduction and Commentary.
Wilson, A.M. (1974): Dissertazione dottorale medita citata da Kassel-Austin (1986, 587).
Wilson, A.M. (1977): The Individualized Chorus in Old Comedy, «CQ» XXVII/2 278-283.
Wilson, J.R. (1971): Tolma and thè Meaning ofTalas, «AJPh» XCII/2 292-300.
Wilson, N.G. (2007): Aristophanea, Oxford 2007.
Winiarczyk, M. (1979): Diagoras von Melos. Wahrheit und Legende, «Eos» LXVII 191—
Winkler, JJ. (1982): Akko, «CPh» LXXVII/2 137-138.
Wòlke, H. (1978): Untersuchungen zur Batrachomyomachie, Meisenheim a.G.
Woodbury, L. (1965): The Date and Atheism of Diagoras of Melos, «Phoenix» XIX/3
Woodhead, A.G. (1954): Peisander, «AJPh» LXXV/2 131-146.
Wright, M. (2007): Comedy and thè Trojan War, «CQ» LVII/2 412-431.
Wright, M. (2012): The Comedian as Critic: Greek Old Comedy and Poetics, London.
Zelle, J. (1891): De comoediarum Graecarum saeculo quinto ante Christum natum acta-
rum temporibus definiendis, diss. Halis Saxonum.
Zielifiski, T. (1931): Iresione. Tomus I: Dissertationes ad comoediam et tragoediam
spectantes continens, Leopoli 1931, 76-95. [Il contributo da cui sono tratte tutte
le citazioni da questo volume è stato originariamente pubblicato col titolo di
Quaestiones Comicaein «Zumai MinisterstwaNarodn. Proswieszcz» 1886, 53-175].
Zimmermann, B. (1984): Untersuchungen zur Form und dramatischen Technik der ari-
stophanischen Komòdien, I: Parodos und Amoibaion, Kónigstein.
Zimmermann, B. (2000): Lyric in thè Fragments of Old Comedy, D. Harvey-J. Wilkins
(eds.), TheRivals of Aristophanes. Studies in Athenian Old Comedy, London 273-280.
Zimmermann, B. (2011); Die attische Komòdie, in B. Zimmermann (Hg.), Handbuch der
griechischen Literatur der Antike. Erster Band; Die Literatur der archaischen und
klassischen Zeit, Miinchen, 671-800.