
Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Hrsg.]
Jahrbuch ... / Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften: Jahrbuch 2012 — 2013

DOI Kapitel:
I. Das Geschäftsjahr 2012
DOI Artikel:
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas: Psychische Gesundheit in modernen Lebenswelten
DOI Seite / Zitierlink:
Lizenz: Freier Zugang - alle Rechte vorbehalten

1 cm
1. Dezember 2012 | 111

nie zu ergänzen. Hier wäre besonders von Interesse, wie die Umweltfaktoren unter-
einander als auch mit genetischen Faktoren interagieren und die Gehirnfunktion
1. Haddad, L. and A. Meyer-Lindenberg, [Social environmental risk factors and mental
disorders: insights into underlying neural mechanisms drawing on the example of urbanici-
ty]. Nervenarzt, 2012. 83(1 1): p. 1403—9.
2. Wilkinson, R. and M. Marmot, Social determinants of health: the solid facts 2003,
World Health Organization.
3. Williams, D. R., H. W. Neighbors, and J. S. Jackson, Racial/ethnic discrimination and
health:findings from community studies. Am J Public Health, 2003. 93(2): p. 200—8.
4. Cacioppo, J.T. and L.C. Hawkley, Perceived social isolation and Cognition. Trends
Cogn Sei, 2009. 13(10): p. 447-54.
5. Dickerson, S. S. and M.E. Kemeny, Acute Stressors and Cortisol responses: a theoretical
Integration and synthesis oflaboratory research. Psychol Bull, 2004. 130(3): p. 355-91.
6. Sapolsky, R.M., The influence of social hierarchy on primate health. Science, 2005.
308(5722): p. 648-52.
7. Broadhead,WE., et al., The epidemiologic evidencefor a relationship between social Sup-
port and health. Am J Epidemiol, 1983. 117(5): p. 521—37.
8. Uchino, B.N., Social support and health: a review of physiological processes potentially
underlying links to disease outcomes.J Behav Med, 2006. 29(4): p. 377—87.
9. Peen,J., et al., The current Status of urban-rural dijferences in psychiatric disorders. Acta
Psychiatr Scand. 121(2): p. 84-93.
10. Marcelis, M., N. Takei, and J. van Os, Urbanization and riskfor schizophrenia: does
the effect operate before or aroutid the time of illness onset? Psychol Med, 1999. 29(5):
p. 1197-203.
11. Pedersen, C.B. and PB. Mortensen, Evidence of a dose-response relationship between
urbanicity during upbringing and schizophrenia risk. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2001.
58(1 l):p. 1039-46.
12. Selten, J.P. and E. Cantor-Graae, Social defeat: risk factor for schizophrenia? Br J
Psychiatry, 2005. 187: p. 101—2.
13. Lederbogen, E, et al., City living and urban upbringing affect neural social stress Proces-
sing in humans. Nature. 474(7352): p. 498—501.
14. Jaenisch, R. and A. Bird, Epigenetic regulation of gene expression: how the genome inte-
grates intrinsic and environmental signals. Nat Genet, 2003. 33 Suppl: p. 245—54.
15. Weaver, I.C., et al., Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior. Nat Neurosci,
2004. 7(8): p. 847-54.
16. McGowan, P.O., et al., Epigenetic regulation of theglucocorticoid receptor in human brain
associates with childhood ahuse. Nat Neurosci, 2009. 12(3): p. 342-8.
© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften