Richter, D., Waiblinger, J., Rink, W.J. & Wagner, G.A. (2000): Thermoluminescence,
Electron Spin Resonance and 14C-dating of late Midddle and early Upper Palaeolit-
hic site of Geißenklösterle Cave in Southern Germany. Journal Archaeol. Science
27, 71-89.
Schilles, T. & Habermann, J. (2000): Radioluminescence dating: the IR emisssion of
feldspar. Radiation Measurements 32, 679-683.
Wagner, G.A. & Ötzunali, Ö (2000): Prehistoric copper sources in Turkey. Der
Anschnitt, Beiheft 13, 31-67.
Wagner, G.A. (2000): Isotope analysis, dating and provenance methods. In: E. Ciliber-
to & G. Spoto (eds.) Modern Analytical Methods in Art and Archaeology. John
Wiley and Sons, New York, 445-464.
Wagner, G.A. (2000): Fission-Track Dating. In: Ellis, L. (ed.) Archaeological Method
and Theory: An Encyclopedia. Garland Publishing, New York, 211-215.
Wagner, G.A. (2000): Ancient gold and silver mines of Sifnos. Proceedings of the lst
International Sifnean Symposium. Athens, 147-164.
2. Konferenzbeiträge
LORNE, AUSTRALIA, 9th International Conference on Fission Track Dating and
Thermochronology, (06.-11. 02. 2000)
Glasmacher, U.A., Wagner, G.A. & Gögen, K.: Alpha-recoil-track dating (ART-D) of
dark micas - a potential tool for tephrochronology and thermochronology
Glasmacher, U.A., Ohnesorge, E, Wagner, G.A. & Neumann, R.: Visualistion of latent
alpha-recoil-tracks (ART) in dark mica via atomic force microscopy
Jonckheere, R. & Wagner, G.A.: Annealing of fossil and induced fission tracks in tita-
nite - puzzling first results
Jonckheere, R. & Wagner, G.A.: A non-standard procedure for the analysis of exter-
nal-detector samples introduced at the Heidelberg fission-track laboratory
Jonckheere, R., Gögen, K. & Wagner, G.A.: A Monte-Carlo calculation of the dimen-
sions of latent alpha recoil tacks
Mallick, R., Jonckheere, R., Hannen, H., Petrie, Mangini, A. & Wagner, G.A.: Measu-
rements of the uranium distribution and absolute concentration in calcite from Ger-
man travertines and their potential significance for uranium-series disequilibrium
Wagner, G.A.: Particle track dating: a long stony road
HEIDELBERG, Kolloquium „Frühe Menschen in Mitteleuropa - Chronologie, Kul-
tur, Umwelt“, (09.-11. 03. 2000)
Mallick, R., Mangini, A. & Wagner, G.A.: Präzise Th/U-Datierung archäologisch rele-
vanter Travertinvorkommen Thüringens
LEIPZIG, Sachs. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Symposium „Umwelt und Mensch“
(20.-22. 03. 2000)
Wagner, G.A.: Mensch und Umwelt in den letzten 15 000 Jahren - Geoarchäologische
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO, 32nd International Symposium Archaeometry
(15.-19. 05. 2000)
Richter, D., Waiblinger, J., Rink, W.J. & Wagner, G.A. (2000): Thermoluminescence,
Electron Spin Resonance and 14C-dating of late Midddle and early Upper Palaeolit-
hic site of Geißenklösterle Cave in Southern Germany. Journal Archaeol. Science
27, 71-89.
Schilles, T. & Habermann, J. (2000): Radioluminescence dating: the IR emisssion of
feldspar. Radiation Measurements 32, 679-683.
Wagner, G.A. & Ötzunali, Ö (2000): Prehistoric copper sources in Turkey. Der
Anschnitt, Beiheft 13, 31-67.
Wagner, G.A. (2000): Isotope analysis, dating and provenance methods. In: E. Ciliber-
to & G. Spoto (eds.) Modern Analytical Methods in Art and Archaeology. John
Wiley and Sons, New York, 445-464.
Wagner, G.A. (2000): Fission-Track Dating. In: Ellis, L. (ed.) Archaeological Method
and Theory: An Encyclopedia. Garland Publishing, New York, 211-215.
Wagner, G.A. (2000): Ancient gold and silver mines of Sifnos. Proceedings of the lst
International Sifnean Symposium. Athens, 147-164.
2. Konferenzbeiträge
LORNE, AUSTRALIA, 9th International Conference on Fission Track Dating and
Thermochronology, (06.-11. 02. 2000)
Glasmacher, U.A., Wagner, G.A. & Gögen, K.: Alpha-recoil-track dating (ART-D) of
dark micas - a potential tool for tephrochronology and thermochronology
Glasmacher, U.A., Ohnesorge, E, Wagner, G.A. & Neumann, R.: Visualistion of latent
alpha-recoil-tracks (ART) in dark mica via atomic force microscopy
Jonckheere, R. & Wagner, G.A.: Annealing of fossil and induced fission tracks in tita-
nite - puzzling first results
Jonckheere, R. & Wagner, G.A.: A non-standard procedure for the analysis of exter-
nal-detector samples introduced at the Heidelberg fission-track laboratory
Jonckheere, R., Gögen, K. & Wagner, G.A.: A Monte-Carlo calculation of the dimen-
sions of latent alpha recoil tacks
Mallick, R., Jonckheere, R., Hannen, H., Petrie, Mangini, A. & Wagner, G.A.: Measu-
rements of the uranium distribution and absolute concentration in calcite from Ger-
man travertines and their potential significance for uranium-series disequilibrium
Wagner, G.A.: Particle track dating: a long stony road
HEIDELBERG, Kolloquium „Frühe Menschen in Mitteleuropa - Chronologie, Kul-
tur, Umwelt“, (09.-11. 03. 2000)
Mallick, R., Mangini, A. & Wagner, G.A.: Präzise Th/U-Datierung archäologisch rele-
vanter Travertinvorkommen Thüringens
LEIPZIG, Sachs. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Symposium „Umwelt und Mensch“
(20.-22. 03. 2000)
Wagner, G.A.: Mensch und Umwelt in den letzten 15 000 Jahren - Geoarchäologische
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO, 32nd International Symposium Archaeometry
(15.-19. 05. 2000)