B. Die Forschungsvorhaben
4. Bretzke, K. & Conard, N.J. (2017): Not just a crossroad. Population dynamics and
changing material culture in Southwestern Asia during the Late Pleistocene. Current
Anthropology 58 (17), 449-462.
5. Bretzke, K., Kandel, AW & Conard, N.J. (2017): The Middle Paleolithic sequence of
Wadi Mushkuna Rockshelter and its implications fbr hominin Settlement dynamics in
western Syria. Quaternary International 435 A, 106-114.
6. Chacon, M. G., E Rivals, K. Bretzke and N.J. Conard (eds.) (2017): Current research
on the settlement dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and the Middle Stone Age. Pro-
ceedings from the UISPP Congress in Burgos, September, 2014. Special issue, Quater-
nary International 435A.
7. Falcucci, A, Conard, N.J. & Peresani, M. (2017): A critical assessment of the Protoau-
rignacian lithic technology at Fumane Cave and its implications for the definition of the
earliest Aurignacian. PLoS ONE 12, e0189241.
8. Frangois, L., Bruch, A.A., Utescher, T, Spicer, R.A. & Spicer, T. (2017): Reconstruc-
ting Cenozoic Vegetation from proxy data and models - a NECLIME synthesis (Edito-
rial) . NECLIME special issue Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467,
9. Frost, S. R., Saanane, C., Starkovich, B. M., Schwartz, EL, Schrenk, F. & Elarvati, K.
(2017): New cranium of the large cercopithecid primate Theropithecus oswaldi leakeyi
(Hopwood, 1934) from the paleoanthropological site of Makuyuni, Tanzania. Journal
of Human Evolution 109, 46-56.
10. Garofoli, D. (2017): Holistic mapping: Towards an epistemological foundation for Evo-
lutionary Cognitive Archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 1-27.
11. Ghasidian, E., Bretzke, K. & Conard, N.J. (2017): Excavations at Ghar-e Boof in the
Fars Province of Iran and its bearing on models for the evolution of the Upper Palaeo-
lithic in the Zagros Mountains. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 47, 33-49.
12. Ghosh, R., Bruch, A. A., Portmann, E, Bera, S., Paruya, D. K., Morthekai, P & Ali, S. N.
(2017): A modern pollen-climate dataset from the Darjeeling area, eastern Himalaya:
Assessing its potential for past climate reconstruction. Quaternary Science Reviews 174,
13. Haidle, M. N. (2017): Development of teaching performance: Comment on P Gär-
denfors and A. Högberg, The archaeology of teaching and the evolution of Homo docens.
Current Anthropology 58(2), 202-204.
14. Kandel, A.W, Gasparyan, B., Allue, E., Bigga, G., Bruch, A.A., Cullen, VL, Frahm, E.,
Ghukasyan, R., Gruwier, B., Jabbour, E, Miller, C. E., Taller, A, Vardazaryan, V, Vasi-
lyan, D. & Weissbrod, L. (2017): The earliest evidence for Upper Paleolithic occupa-
tion in the Armenian Highlands at Aghitu-3 Cave. Journal of Human Evolution 110,
15. Karakostis, A. E, Velliky, B. & Kandel, A. W (2017): Sixth Annual Meeting ofthe Euro-
pean Society for the Study of Human Evolution. Evolutionary Anthropology 26, 7-8.
16. Kirscher, U., Oms, O., Bruch, A. A., Shatilova, L, Chochishvili, G. & Bachtadse, V
(2017): The Calabrian in the Western Transcaucasian basin (Georgia): Paleomagnetic
constraints from the Gurian regional stage. Quaternary Science Reviews 160, 96-107.
17. Kropäccek, J., Schillaci, C., Salvini, R., & Märker, M. (2017): Assessment of gully ero-
sion in Upper Awash, Central Ethiopian Highlands based on comparison of archived
4. Bretzke, K. & Conard, N.J. (2017): Not just a crossroad. Population dynamics and
changing material culture in Southwestern Asia during the Late Pleistocene. Current
Anthropology 58 (17), 449-462.
5. Bretzke, K., Kandel, AW & Conard, N.J. (2017): The Middle Paleolithic sequence of
Wadi Mushkuna Rockshelter and its implications fbr hominin Settlement dynamics in
western Syria. Quaternary International 435 A, 106-114.
6. Chacon, M. G., E Rivals, K. Bretzke and N.J. Conard (eds.) (2017): Current research
on the settlement dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and the Middle Stone Age. Pro-
ceedings from the UISPP Congress in Burgos, September, 2014. Special issue, Quater-
nary International 435A.
7. Falcucci, A, Conard, N.J. & Peresani, M. (2017): A critical assessment of the Protoau-
rignacian lithic technology at Fumane Cave and its implications for the definition of the
earliest Aurignacian. PLoS ONE 12, e0189241.
8. Frangois, L., Bruch, A.A., Utescher, T, Spicer, R.A. & Spicer, T. (2017): Reconstruc-
ting Cenozoic Vegetation from proxy data and models - a NECLIME synthesis (Edito-
rial) . NECLIME special issue Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467,
9. Frost, S. R., Saanane, C., Starkovich, B. M., Schwartz, EL, Schrenk, F. & Elarvati, K.
(2017): New cranium of the large cercopithecid primate Theropithecus oswaldi leakeyi
(Hopwood, 1934) from the paleoanthropological site of Makuyuni, Tanzania. Journal
of Human Evolution 109, 46-56.
10. Garofoli, D. (2017): Holistic mapping: Towards an epistemological foundation for Evo-
lutionary Cognitive Archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 1-27.
11. Ghasidian, E., Bretzke, K. & Conard, N.J. (2017): Excavations at Ghar-e Boof in the
Fars Province of Iran and its bearing on models for the evolution of the Upper Palaeo-
lithic in the Zagros Mountains. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 47, 33-49.
12. Ghosh, R., Bruch, A. A., Portmann, E, Bera, S., Paruya, D. K., Morthekai, P & Ali, S. N.
(2017): A modern pollen-climate dataset from the Darjeeling area, eastern Himalaya:
Assessing its potential for past climate reconstruction. Quaternary Science Reviews 174,
13. Haidle, M. N. (2017): Development of teaching performance: Comment on P Gär-
denfors and A. Högberg, The archaeology of teaching and the evolution of Homo docens.
Current Anthropology 58(2), 202-204.
14. Kandel, A.W, Gasparyan, B., Allue, E., Bigga, G., Bruch, A.A., Cullen, VL, Frahm, E.,
Ghukasyan, R., Gruwier, B., Jabbour, E, Miller, C. E., Taller, A, Vardazaryan, V, Vasi-
lyan, D. & Weissbrod, L. (2017): The earliest evidence for Upper Paleolithic occupa-
tion in the Armenian Highlands at Aghitu-3 Cave. Journal of Human Evolution 110,
15. Karakostis, A. E, Velliky, B. & Kandel, A. W (2017): Sixth Annual Meeting ofthe Euro-
pean Society for the Study of Human Evolution. Evolutionary Anthropology 26, 7-8.
16. Kirscher, U., Oms, O., Bruch, A. A., Shatilova, L, Chochishvili, G. & Bachtadse, V
(2017): The Calabrian in the Western Transcaucasian basin (Georgia): Paleomagnetic
constraints from the Gurian regional stage. Quaternary Science Reviews 160, 96-107.
17. Kropäccek, J., Schillaci, C., Salvini, R., & Märker, M. (2017): Assessment of gully ero-
sion in Upper Awash, Central Ethiopian Highlands based on comparison of archived