7. The Role ofCulture in Early Expansions ofHumans
Human Origins - Digital Future. An international Conference about the future of ar-
chaeological and paleoanthropological databases. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 73. https://
Populäre Veröffentlichungen: 13
1. Bolus, M. (2022). The earliest stage of human stone tool technology: the Oldowan.
In Giemsch, L. & Haidle, M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our culture.
Accompanying volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nünnerich-
Asmus, 41-52.
2. Bruch, A.A., & Hahn, K. (2022). Raw or roasted? How fire changed what’s on the
menu. In Giemsch, L. & Haidle, M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our
culture. Accompanying volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nün-
nerich-Asmus, 75-80.
3. Conard, N.J., &Janas, A. (2022). Fundreiche mittelpaläolithische Schichten und neue
Einblicke in Technologie und Subsistenz der Neandertaler im Hohle Fels. Archäologi-
sche Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2021, 67-72.
4. Conard, N.J., Janas, A., & Luzi, E. (2022). Ausgrabungen in der Langmahdhalde -
Erkenntnisse zur Umweltrekonstruktion während des Letzten Glazialen Maximums.
Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2021, 76-80.
5. Conard, N.J., Zeidi, M., Janas, A., & Hamzavi, S. (2022). Ausgrabungen in der Käl-
bermahdhalde. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2021, 80-83.
6. Giemsch, L., & Haidle, M. N. (eds.) (2022). Being human - the beginnings of our
culture. Accompanying volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nün-
7. Giemsch, L., & Haidle, M. N. (2022). In search of the beginnings of our culture. In
Giemsch, L. & Haidle, M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our culture.
Accompanying volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nünnerich-
Asmus, 11-14.
8. Haidle, M. N. (2022). Taking a detour on the path to human thinking. In Giemsch, L.,
& Haidle, M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our culture. Accompanying
volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nünnerich-Asmus, 83-90.
9. Haidle, M. N. (2022). Across the mountains, into the wide world. Evidence of human
expansion. In Giemsch, L., & Haidle, M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of
our culture. Accompanying volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein:
Nünnerich-Asmus, 111-120.
10. Haidle, M. N. (2022). Performanz. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 75/3, 165-166.
11. Schlaudt, O. (2022). Habitus: The cultural primer. In Giemsch, L., & Haidle, M. N.
(eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our culture. Accompanying volume to the
special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nünnerich-Asmus, 103-108.
12. Schrenk, F. (2022). Early human biocultural evolution. In Giemsch, L., & Haidle,
M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our culture. Accompanying volume to
the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nünnerich-Asmus, 27-38.
13. Wolf, S., & Conard, N.J. (2022). Urformen - Figürliche Eiszeitkunst Europas. Aus-
stellungskatalog. Ulm: Museum Ulm.
Human Origins - Digital Future. An international Conference about the future of ar-
chaeological and paleoanthropological databases. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 73. https://
Populäre Veröffentlichungen: 13
1. Bolus, M. (2022). The earliest stage of human stone tool technology: the Oldowan.
In Giemsch, L. & Haidle, M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our culture.
Accompanying volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nünnerich-
Asmus, 41-52.
2. Bruch, A.A., & Hahn, K. (2022). Raw or roasted? How fire changed what’s on the
menu. In Giemsch, L. & Haidle, M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our
culture. Accompanying volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nün-
nerich-Asmus, 75-80.
3. Conard, N.J., &Janas, A. (2022). Fundreiche mittelpaläolithische Schichten und neue
Einblicke in Technologie und Subsistenz der Neandertaler im Hohle Fels. Archäologi-
sche Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2021, 67-72.
4. Conard, N.J., Janas, A., & Luzi, E. (2022). Ausgrabungen in der Langmahdhalde -
Erkenntnisse zur Umweltrekonstruktion während des Letzten Glazialen Maximums.
Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2021, 76-80.
5. Conard, N.J., Zeidi, M., Janas, A., & Hamzavi, S. (2022). Ausgrabungen in der Käl-
bermahdhalde. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2021, 80-83.
6. Giemsch, L., & Haidle, M. N. (eds.) (2022). Being human - the beginnings of our
culture. Accompanying volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nün-
7. Giemsch, L., & Haidle, M. N. (2022). In search of the beginnings of our culture. In
Giemsch, L. & Haidle, M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our culture.
Accompanying volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nünnerich-
Asmus, 11-14.
8. Haidle, M. N. (2022). Taking a detour on the path to human thinking. In Giemsch, L.,
& Haidle, M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our culture. Accompanying
volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nünnerich-Asmus, 83-90.
9. Haidle, M. N. (2022). Across the mountains, into the wide world. Evidence of human
expansion. In Giemsch, L., & Haidle, M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of
our culture. Accompanying volume to the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein:
Nünnerich-Asmus, 111-120.
10. Haidle, M. N. (2022). Performanz. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 75/3, 165-166.
11. Schlaudt, O. (2022). Habitus: The cultural primer. In Giemsch, L., & Haidle, M. N.
(eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our culture. Accompanying volume to the
special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nünnerich-Asmus, 103-108.
12. Schrenk, F. (2022). Early human biocultural evolution. In Giemsch, L., & Haidle,
M. N. (eds.), Being human - the beginnings of our culture. Accompanying volume to
the special exhibition. Oppenheim am Rhein: Nünnerich-Asmus, 27-38.
13. Wolf, S., & Conard, N.J. (2022). Urformen - Figürliche Eiszeitkunst Europas. Aus-
stellungskatalog. Ulm: Museum Ulm.